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7 Simple Steps to Simplifying Your Morning Beauty Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marshall chapter.

We all have those nights where we feel like we’re on top of the world.  We’re invincible and effervescent collegiettes after all!  That is, until it’s 9 a.m. and we’re hitting the snooze button for the third time.  Here are seven simple tips to help speed up your morning to get you out of your dorm while still looking your best.

1. The morning is a guaranteed fresh start, and should be for your face too! Remember to always wash your face in the morning, you don’t need fancy cleansers (you can buy face wash at any drugstore or Walmart, or just use good ‘ol soap and water for sensitive skin!) Even if you wash your face at night, it’s still important to rewash in the morning to get rid of blemish causing oils released onto your face from your hair or dirt from your pillow.

2. Remember to moisturize! Your skin can get dehydrated just like the rest of your body.

3. To save on time for that pesky 8 am class, opt for a multipurpose base, like a bb or cc cream that will give your skin a tint and even-out any discolorations. They take seconds to apply with your hands!

4. When preparing to apply mascara, run your eyelash curler under hot water.  The heat will help your lashes hold form- think of a curling iron and how it curls your hair.  Also remember to apply mascara in zig-zag motions.  It’s similar to teasing your hair, it adds volume.

     *If mascara isn’t your thing, try a clear mascara that will still help your lashes hold form and double as a brow gel to hold your eyebrows in place!

5. To give your face a nice even glow and added definition, use a bronzer and apply in a 3 motion sweep: temples, cheekbones, and under the jaw bone.

6.Use a cream tint made for both your lips and cheeks to save time and give a nice pop of color.

7. Using a cream or powder highlight can make you look more awake when applied in the right areas. Place it on your brow bone, inner corner of your eye, and the top of your cheekbones.



Rachel is a biology major at Marshall University. She likes red lipstick and drinks a minimum of 3 cups of coffee a day.