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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marshall chapter.

Alpha Xi Delta sorority just recently voted on its new president and picked a girl of many talents. Alyssa Dodrill, more commonly known as Paige, has already been showing off her wonderful presidency skills this spring by organizing many events around campus, as well as being as involved as she can be. I had the privilege of getting to ask Paige a few questions about all of the things she does with her time. 


HC: What are all of the activities you are involved with at Marshall?

Paige: President of Alpha Xi Delta, College of Business senator for Student Government Association (SGA), Relay for Life publicity and marketing chair, THUNDERthon Operations Committee member, National Society of Collegiate Scholars member, Order of Omega community service chair, Marshall University Honors College member

HC: Why did you choose to be an Alpha Xi?

Paige: I decided to rush a sorority when I came to Marshall because I was a local student who lived at home, and I wanted a way to get involved on campus. I also liked the idea of making lifelong friendships. I chose Alpha Xi Delta because that’s where I felt most at home. 

HC: Why did you want to become the president of Alpha Xi Delta?

Paige: I decided to become president after moving into campus and becoming heavily involved with Alpha Xi Delta. I saw how my chapter excelled for the past decade, and I wanted to keep excelling. I also wanted to gain more leadership experience before I face the real world of management. 

HC: What are your goals for the sorority during your presidency?

Paige: My biggest goal of Alpha Xi Delta while I am president is to continue to excel in scholarship, leadership, sisterhood and service. I am very dedicated to my sorority and wanted to leave my mark on it when I left. I have already changed two major bylaws and been nominated for several organizational and individual awards since just taking over in January. 

HC: What is your favorite thing about your sorority? 

Paige: My favorite thing about sorority is how much it has opened doors for me. In just three years, I have become heavily involved on campus, gained an immense amount of leadership skills, been nominated for several awards — including the “Emerging Leader” award — and developed many opportunities for my future upon graduating.

Mallory Norton is a business management major at Marshall University. She is the co-founder of Her Campus Marshall. She enjoys horse back riding, brownies, and her beautiful city of Huntington.