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Anna Schultz-Girl Sitting On Bed Facing Wall
Anna Schultz-Girl Sitting On Bed Facing Wall
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

Bored in Your Dorm? Don’t worry, I Got You Covered!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mars Hill chapter.

            It’s easy to throw the blame on Mars Hill University for being absolutely boring. It’s located in a town with just a Waffle House, Bojangles, and the classic Ingles and those in authority crack down so hard that the flicker of a light on a Friday night can result in an entire underage drinking search warrant. But is it really the universities’ fault? I mean weren’t we, the students, in charge of our decision to attend this school knowing these factors. However, international students can get more leniency, because they honesty didn’t know what they were getting into and do not own a car to transport them to more lively areas like Asheville or Johnson City. That leaves us with the question: what to do when we are truly trapped in our dorm room caged into the world of boredom? 

  1. Spa Day: College can honestly get to be so stressful between balancing classes and finding time for a social life. Making your own spa day is a good way to relieve stress and spend time with your friends or enjoy time to yourself. Target is the perfect place to pick up all the cheap materials needed such as $2 face mask, nail polish, body scrub, etc. 
  2. Movie Night: I know this sounds super basic but there are many ways to spice up movie night. If you enjoy snacks, a good way to enhance watching a move is by adding a potluck. Everyone has to bring a food item of choice to share. In addition, building a fort or a cozy hangout to watch the movie can also better the traditional movie night. 
  3. Game Night: What’s wrong with some friendly competition? Well, a lot can go downhill pretty quickly depending on how competitive it gets. Board games such as SORRY, Guess Who, and Monopoly (if you’re wanting to pull an all nighter) are a great way to make time fly by. 
  4. PowerPoint Presentation: At some point we have all seen this on our TikTok. A group of friends doing presentations on random subjects. It can range anywhere from predicting the future of each person in the group to rating the best-looking characters on SpongeBob. The creativity of each PowerPoint paired with some snacks create a fun-filled activity. 
  5. Blind Taste Test: I know a lot of these suggestion revolve around food, but anything with some yummy goods makes a great time. A blind taste test can mean one of two things…just depends on the risk you’re willing to take. The easy option is to get an assortment of foods or drinks and blindfold the person to see if he or she can guess what it was. If you want to take the scarier route, you can make one dish out of a collage of things and try it. Hopefully it turns out tasty!
Hi! My name is Hannah Rose. I'm a junior at Mars Hill University and I'm currently a dual student athlete on both the cross country and tennis team. I also started the campus student newspaper, The Roar, which has taken off. I love to write and express ideas with others.