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You Don’t Need To Keep Up With Fashion Trends In 2022

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marquette chapter.

2021 is going to come to a close sooner than we know it: Bring on the new year! New year, new styles, new trends.
This scares me. My investment in the fashion industry is so deep. I enjoy staying on top of who is wearing what from A list celebs to micro level influencers. There has come a point, though, where it is hard to keep up with that. Above all: It is even harder to compete with them.

Fast fashion is planted new each day on Instagram, and anything other than fast fashion pieces break the bank for college students. Don’t give into any of that. It is unrealistic; yet again, another social media standard. The media expects everybody to keep up with every wardrobe trend. That can change by the week in 2021! Economically, environmentally, and for some, ethically, this is not right.

When it comes to the awful comparison that dawns on us all as we scroll through social media, rise above it. The adorable outfit that you see an influencer pay $300 for? Try to thrift it! Theirs is probably made unethically overseas anyway. You want to feel good physically and mindfully when wearing clothes — fast fashion unfortunately does not provide that ease.

Another way to diverge from the temptation of buying the “trendy” clothing is to work on advancing your — you guessed it! — capsule wardrobe! The term and initial idea of it is so boring: When I think of the phrase “capsule wardrobe” my mind automatically thinks of the colors brown and black. I’m all for a neutral wardrobe. Frankly, that is a majority of what my closet is right now! It’s up to you to make it stylish, fun and diverse. When I shop, I look for those neutral colors but in different styles and mixed together with fun patterns. Once you have crafted a staple wardrobe that is as diverse as a neutral closet can get, slowly and surely add in those colorful and spunky pieces. No no no, not the ones that you buy in the NEW TODAY section of SheIn. I’m talking Zara, I’m talking Adika, I’m taking all places that sell sustainable pieces that are universal regardless of the trends.

Every now and then, yes, buy a trendy piece. You don’t want to totally be out of the loop, but make sure that your carbon footprint is teensy. Stay fashionable through staple, dominant pieces, but stay in style through thrifting and thoughtful purchases of the latest trends. Through it all, don’t feel like you need to keep up with what is big in the media right now. Chances are, it will be different tomorrow.

Hello there! My name is Jaiden and I am a sophomore at Marquette University! I have always loved to read and write, so getting involved with HerCampus Marquette was something I knew that I had to do! Outside of writing, I enjoying hiking, listening to music, hanging out with my friends, or continuing to explore Milwaukee! If you like what you see on HerCampus, make sure to check out more of my work on my personal blog, The Olive, at www.wixsite.com/jaidenschueller/theolive