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Trying to Find My Way

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marquette chapter.

Trying to Find My Way 

I’ve been told for my whole life that “not all who wander are lost.” However, I’m wandering… and I’m lost. 

I guess I have to explain my story for any of this to make sense, so here it is: 

I decided to come to Marquette because I knew there was a really good physical therapy program. I decided I was interested in PT because I broke my back doing gymnastics and had to see a physical therapist for three months. I was still in high school when I decided that that was what I wanted to do with my life. A little backstory for you… all through high school I HATED science, but me being the determined person I am, decided that maybe I’ll like science better in college. I was wrong. I hated going to biology and chemistry. But like I said before, I’m very determined… 

Well, with all that determination, I still could not get the grades I needed to in order to even be considered for the PT program (the program is super competitive and many of the applicants who are accepted have a 4.0). To wrap this sad story up, about a week and a half ago I decided that enough was enough. I have to change my major. I hated anything that had to do with science, so why would I want to spend the next five years taking science classes? 

So even though I don’t know exactly what I want to do with my life, I have a pretty good idea of what I don’t want to do, and that’s something. 

Here are some tips to help you if you ever find yourself in a similar situation: 

1) If you don’t like it in high school, you’re going to hate it even more in college (even if you’re determined that you can push yourself through anything). 

2) Take some time and do some soul searching. Don’t rush into a decision too quickly. 

3) If you really have no idea, ask your friends and family what you would be good at. This has helped me the most so far because sometimes people remind you of the things that you used to enjoy that you may have forgotten about. 

4) Last, but definitely not least: Talk to your advisor. This doesn’t even need an explanation. 

Whether or not you find yourself in my situation, just remember to choose something you know you will love doing, otherwise you might dread what you end up doing.

Aisling Hegarty

Marquette '18

Don't waste a minute not being happy