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Nappily Ever After Led to My Happily Ever After

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marquette chapter.

Exams, work, and cooling temperatures can make the week a little too stressful for the average college student. It’s crucial to take a break by unwinding indoors with a cup of tea, a favorite candle, and some Netflix. 

I’ve found that while a TV series like The Great British Baking Show is fun, I long for something with a bit more substance. I wanted inspiration—something fresh to push me through the day. Thank you, Netflix, for bringing Nappily Ever After into my life. 

Nappily Ever After follows the fallout of one woman’s realization that she isn’t allowing herself to be free. She tries to be perfect, and she hides what she believes are flaws. Her self-built constraints steadily increase their pressure until POP! She snaps. She snaps with an electric head shaver in her hand. Can a shaved head really help someone cut off what’s holding them down? Watch to find out. 

I learned that a “Happily Ever After” doesn’t have to be because of a relationship; it can come from within. Feeling empowered, uplifted, and comfortable with who you are is what makes a true difference. I think this film does a great job examining pressures of society and redefining what it means to look and live beautifully. There aren’t strict guidelines to being a female; a woman can be beautiful no matter what she looks like, what she wears, or how she styles her hair.   

If you are feeling down, watch Nappily Ever After. Even though never-ending happiness is something only spoken of in fairytales, this film can deliver at least a sliver of that joy. For that rough day, that stressful day, that day where the world seems to be against you, this could be your happy after. You don’t have to shave your head, but you should feel changed when you see this story. 

Emma McDevitt

Marquette '20

Hello, I am Emma McDevitt! I am a Junior at Marquette University and studying Marketing & Advertising.