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My Relationship with Binge Watching TV

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marquette chapter.

My Relationship with Binge Watching TV

I have never been very good at binge-watching. I find it incredibly impressive when people can immerse themselves in a tv show for so long, and maintain focus and interest. Personally, I get fidgety or hungry and have to remove myself from whatever television world I was trying to get into. There have been a few exceptions to this rule. If I am sick, I find it a lot easier to zone into tv, and watch it for long periods of time. In college, I have also found that mini binges can be very relaxing for me, and a good way to spend downtime.

My first successful binge came during Spring Break 2017, which, if I remember correctly, was absolutely freezing. I was huddled under many blankets and watching “Stranger Things”, (which is an amazing show that I highly recommend). It was tough, but I endured the entire season. It wasn’t really all done in one sitting, because I had to get up many times, and in a family of 6, many people started coming home from school and work which also added a bit of time. All in all though, after the binge, I felt incredibly triumphant. I think binge-watching is a great activity to do when you need to relax. It is also great if you need to occupy time. It also helped that it was so cold outside, and spring break, and I didn’t really have anything else to do. All in all, the binge life remains impressive to me, and if you are a binge-watcher, I compliment you on your abilities. 

Hello! My name is Violette Shearer and I am a freshman studying Speech Pathology and minoring in Spanish! This is my first semester writing for HerCampus. I enjoy running, being in nature, singing, dancing, volunteering, and hanging out with family and friends!
Aisling Hegarty

Marquette '18

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