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Before Heading to the Polls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marquette chapter.

Before Heading to the Polls

You have read the headlines. It’s all over the news. Actually, it’s all over everything. The 2016 election is almost here and while many people believe our candidates are less than ideal, it is still important to vote. There are a few things you should do, however, before you head to the polls this November.


This is the first presidential election in which many of us can vote. While that’s exciting, we need to ensure we do it right. Here are some of the ways we can make sure we do that:


Register to Vote

While you can register to vote on the day of the election, you will likely save yourself a massive headache if you register to vote ahead of time. Better yet, register now. Registering is not too difficult. If you go to school out of state, remember you may want to fill out an absentee ballot or get proof of Wisconsin residency. 


Educate Yourself on the Voting Process

What do you need to bring on Election Day? Where do you need to go? These and many more questions are good to know before Tuesday, November 8. Find the answers to these questions and more at https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/


Educate Yourself on the Candidates (ALL of them) 

We all know about Clinton and Trump. Are they not your favorite people? Join the club. Maybe you have known whom you were going to vote for since day one, or maybe you still have no clue. Either way it is not too late to get informed. Educate yourself on the two main presidential candidates and their respective platforms. It does not hurt to also look into third party candidates, the potential vice presidents, anyone running for congress, as well as some hopeful state and local representatives. There will be more names on your ballot than you may have realized. Educate yourself on party platforms as well as the issues. Never just check a random box.



The election has been all over the news. Your friends have opinions. Your family members have opinions. Maybe your professor has even brought it up. It is important to take time and reflect on whom you think would be best fit to lead our government. Votes are confidential, so make sure your vote is your own. Have confidence in your own opinion and feel good about the choices you make.


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Aly Prouty


East coast girl trying to figure out why Midwesterners are so sweet. Dancing, photography, coffee, daydreaming and Kappa Delta. Currently studying abroad at National University of Ireland at Galway.