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Why You Should Swipe Right on Tinder for Frank Caponegro

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

Meet this week’s Campus Cutie: Frank!

Name: Frank Caponegro

Hometown: Garden City, NY

Year: Sophomore

Major: Media Studies and Production with a TV and Film Concentration


HC: Where is your #mymaristspot?

FC: Honestly, Leo Hall.  Such great memories there.

HC: If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be?

FC: Well, my favorite flavor is vanilla but that is not me because it’s too plain.  I would be something like peanut butter crunch and chocolate chip with hot fudge and whip cream because I’m a crazy, unpredictable wild card. 

HC: Why should someone swipe right for you on tinder?

FC: OMG because I’m awesome!! I feel like I’m the whole package.  I’m super funny, I’m nice and I’m just all around a great guy.  People need to swipe right for me more.  They need to swipe right right right.  Go far right, not just a little, like a lot. 

HCWhat’d you do this summer?

F: I went to California, which was super fun.  I got to go to a live taping of the show Baby Daddy, which was so cool for my major. That was probably the best day of my life, honestly.  Doing that, really solidified that that is what I want to do for the rest of my life because I thought it was so cool and it was totally me.  I’m not a business person, I don’t do suits, like, it’s a little insane that people have the energy to put on nice clothes; I just can’t.  It overall solidified my major and that I made the right choice coming to Marist College! Go Foxes!

HC: What is the #1 thing on your bucket list?

F: Sky diving! Absolutely go sky diving, I don’t even care if I’m going to die.  And to study abroad which will happen next fall because I want to go to Florence so bad!

HC: What do you want to leave as your Marist Legacy?

F: That I was an influential person here at Marist College and that people knew who I was and took my advice and knew that I was funny, outgoing, super helpful and that I was super involved on campus. And that I’m awesome…and probably self-centered by saying all of this.

HC: What is your guiltiest pleasure?

F: PEANUT BUTTER, OMG I eat it everyday, there are 20 jars in my room right now.  Last year, I ate a total of 38 jars of peanut butter, I’m slacking this year.

HC: What is something interesting about yourself?

F:  I have a medical condition called pectoral excavatum so I get 30 percent less oxygen than the average person and I have a huge hole in the middle of my chest.

HC: Do you use the hole in your chest to put food in while you’re laying down?

F: Yes, cereal.  I’d show you it but I don’t want to get scandalous in the dining hall.  But yeah, my hole is a 9 out of 10 on the scale so I’m special.

HC: What is your favorite social media platform?

F: Twitter, because you can complain about anything you want.  Everyone, follow me on twitter: @FrankFooterCap.

Hi! My name's Kaleigh I'm a Senior at Marist College studying Psychology and Special Education.