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Montreal Madness… a Trip Worth the Drive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

By: Sarah Ruane


Montreal Madness…..a Trip Worth the Drive


Grab a nice cup of “Cafe au Lait” and let the macaroons pile high during today’s blog post as we take a look back to the days where I would dine with the French and nap like the Spaniards in Montreal, Canada.


Hello My Loves,


This morning just so happens to mark the beginning of my five-day adventure in Montreal! Better known for its French culture + (not to mention) yummy cuisine, this popular travel spot has such a vibrant culture! With the pestering feeling of fatigue from yesterday’s car ride behind me, join me as I am more than ready to face my oncoming case of so called Montreal Madness!



I am currently kickstarting this morning with “Faire la grasse matinée” in the corner seating area of Tommy’s; a quaint cafe located in the downtown area of Old Montreal. If I’m being honest, places like Tommy’s are perhaps one of the reasons why I love visiting Montreal.


You see, in a world where people live at such a fast pace with unquestionable dependence on technology, to help them get from Point A to Point B, it’s reassuring to know that sometimes all you can do is place your phone in your coat pocket and see where your feet take you. For instance, when I left my hotel this morning I did just that. I turned the corner and just started to walk. Whether you end up down the street or a mile away, the act of just being in the moment and not having to worry about what you have said yesterday or need to do tomorrow, is quite liberating. Realistically not everyone can adapt to this change of lifestyle and some may find it incredibly difficult. I know I do. But I’m glad that I tried today, because if I didn’t ….the rings and pings of texts, Snapchats, emails, and other chaotic forms of social media would have had me walking straight past this cafe, this street, this architecture….. this culture.



9:15 A.M

Behind the facade of the old architecture in this beautiful city, lies a surprisingly well balanced mixture of old and new. Besides its old fashion appeal in architecture, and use as a designated hub for local university students,Tommy’s is the crème de la crème for when it comes to taking Instagram worthy pictures of your breakfast! You can even take a peak over the upstairs balcony and see the chef at work.


Sarah Dorothy Lynch is a junior at Marist College studying Journalism and Public Relations with a passion for writing, travel, and bread (all varieties). If she ever met Emma Stone, she would likely keel over.