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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

    By: Keara McGraw


     Are you nervous about the holidays coming up? With so many delicious meals and treats heading our way, it is normal to feel overwhelmed about keeping up with healthy habits! As a food and fitness enthusiast, I definitely have struggled with preparing myself for the loads of carbs and sugar spread across the table. I wanted to share my thoughts on the holiday season, and hopefully help some women navigate the menu this year!


    First off, we all know that feeling. You have been working so hard to eat healthy, workout routinely, and stay on track. All of a sudden, the months of November and December hit, and our minds seem to spin out of control. Well here is my advice to you…


  1. Do not fear the food!! The holidays only come once a year. You do not want to let your strict goals get in the way of sharing quality time with friends and family. Eat the bread, the slice of pie, the extra stuffing. Eat it all! It is not going to alter your lifestyle in any way, shape, or form. That one salad you ate two weeks ago did not put you instantly in shape, and that one extra piece of dessert will not put you instantly out of shape. I promise!

  2. Eat before Thanksgiving dinner!! I cannot stress this enough. Some may think that you can starve yourself all day and be satisfied when you reach the Thanksgiving table, but it’s not healthy. My advice to you would be to eat a small breakfast and a light lunch! This way, your metabolism, mind, and stomach are all prepared to tackle dinner. This will help control your appetite and make sure you are eating what you need.

  3. Eat a variety!  If you know you will be eating tons of bread at dinner, that is okay! Just make sure you get some fruits and veggies in prior so you do not feel sick at night.

  4. Drink tons of water! This is probably my biggest tip of all. If you want to avoid that Thanksgiving bloat, drink your water! This will help keep you full and help your stomach digest all of the delicious food you are consuming.

  5. Be in the moment..  Okay, so maybe THIS is my most important tip. Stay present at your Thanksgiving dinner. Stay off your phone and enjoy the friends, family, and food. After all, it only comes once a year. Do not stress about the food because one day and one holiday will not disrupt the lifestyle you lead! Treat the days after Thanksgiving just like the days prior. Go back to your normal eating and exercising habits and you will be just fine!



Sarah Dorothy Lynch is a junior at Marist College studying Journalism and Public Relations with a passion for writing, travel, and bread (all varieties). If she ever met Emma Stone, she would likely keel over.