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Halloween Costumes That Will Be Everywhere This Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

Celebrity Costumes

Celebrity costumes are always popular, but this year there are some exciting options that likely will be seen everywhere. First, Harry and Meghan, the latest royals, are bound to be popular, as will the omnipresent Kardashians– especially Kylie and her new baby.  Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande will be happening in light of their whirlwind relationship and recent break up. I’m sure lots of Cardi Bs. and Nicki Minajes will be seen around town together–due to the hype of their Fashion Week fight. Let’s be honest, these celebrities really killed it this year, so who wouldn’t want to be them for one night while you have the chance?!


Superheroes, Princesses and Beyond

Of course, the ubiquitous superhero costumes never go out of style! Batgirl, Catwoman and Wonderwoman, as well as all the Disney princesses-from Ariel to Sleeping Beauty, are generally easy to piece together at the last minute with items from you–or your friends’– closets. We may also see Margot Robbie from I Tonya, (grab your skates!), as well as characters from popular movies and shows like Black Panther, Mamma Mia, Dynasty and Riverdale. These movies and shows were the talk of the town this year and everyone is going to want to try and recreate themselves as their fave character for a night–or three. I think we may also see some Fortnite characters…well, if Fortnite fans can stop playing and decide to get dressed up!



For some reason, it seems that lots of people want to dress in white fur, rainbow and glitter again this year….but, then again, who wouldn’t?




Hippies are going to be very popular this year. Because… fringe. I’m sure we all have some fringe in our closet that we have been waiting to pull out again. You likely can easily cobble together a last minute costume to reveal your inner hippie if you have some fringe at home.  Pair your fringe with some dramatic bell bottom pants that are in style and you will be all set! And, of course,  Halloween provides the perfect excuse to purchase that pair of vintage round vibrant sunglasses you’ve been eyeing!


The Classics

Last, but not least, the classics are always a great go to costume–whether you’ve planned ahead, or you’re trying to put something together as your friends are waiting at your door. Remember, witches, cats, bunnies and pirates never go out of style!


Whether you’ve purchased a costume or crafted one yourself, BE SAFE and enjoy the Halloween celebrations! 


Talia is currently a freshman at Marist College.  She has an interest in all things fashion, and she loves to shop. She has a passion for cooking and traveling, and enjoys blogging in her free time.
Sarah Dorothy Lynch is a junior at Marist College studying Journalism and Public Relations with a passion for writing, travel, and bread (all varieties). If she ever met Emma Stone, she would likely keel over.