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Campus Profile: Madison Colledge

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

Madison Colledge is the picture of productivity. Between various extracurriculars, an R.A. position, and excelling as a student, Madison is often the person you’ll run into multiple times a day, in different buildings, possibly while she’s heading someplace else. In other words, Maddie is a very busy woman. As the current president of Kappa Lambda Psi, Madison evokes a strong image of leadership that is difficult to ignore. At the same time, her ability to take charge does not deter her from being the empathetic, energetic, and caring friend that we’d all be lucky to have in our lives. To my luck, being the busy woman that she is, Maddie was able to set aside some time to answer some questions about herself, her future goals, and what she’s looking forward to in her last few years on campus.

Name: Madison Colledge

Graduation Year: 2018

Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah

Major: Political Science

HC: What are you up to this semester, Maddie?

MC: I’m taking five classes (one of which is on the presidential race), I’m finishing up my time as president of Kappa Lambda Psi, I’m an R.A. in Champagnat, and I’m on the campus sustainability advisory committee.

HC: What are your plans for next semester?

MC: I’ll be going abroad to Costa Rica to study political science and environmental policy (which is my minor). Hopefully, while I’m there, I’ll get better at my Spanish.

HC: What do you hope to accomplish this year?

MC: I’m hoping to gain more direction in my studies and make more connections in the professional world. I’m super excited about traveling more this year. I’d also like to dance more, since I miss it when I stop doing it for a while.

HC: By the time you graduate, what are three new things that you want to accomplish?

MC:  1. I’d really like to go hiking and explore the local area.

        2. I want to leave a lasting impact on the clubs and organizations that I was involved in for all four years at Marist.

        3. I want to make this campus more sustainable and environmentally friendly, by the time I leave.

HC: What do you like the most about Marist College?

MC: I love the nature and surrounding environment! It accents every season so well. But what I like most is all the different types of people. Sometimes Marist has a stereotype regarding the types of students that go here, but I learned that there are some amazing people. You tend to find them when you least expect to.

HC: Who are two people you most admire, and why?

MC: My mom. She’s beyond fearless and incredibly encouraging. She doesn’t take crap from anyone, and will always fight for a worthy cause. She’s actually in Mexico right now, aiding in the construction of buildings for kids with special needs. How cool is that?!

Laura. She has basically been my peer mentor my entire life. She was in my high school dance company when I was a freshman. She taught me how to be an adult (sort of). She’s conquering all of her dreams in NYC right now. I’m so proud!

HC: What are your post-grad aspirations?

MC: Hmm. I’m trying to keep this vague so I remain flexible. Mostly, I want to save the environment through government action. I care what happens to the planet, and the people living on it. I hope whatever career I have has a positive impact on that goal.

HC: If you could travel to any three places (for free), where would you go?

MC: First, I want to go to Ecuador, because it looks beautiful and they have environmental rights written into their constitution! Hopefully, my Spanish gets better before then. Second, I want to see every single national park in the U.S. Lastly, I want to hike to the Everest base camp!

HC: Do you have any advice for current Marist freshmen?

MC: Do not be afraid to do anything alone! Putting yourself out there and being vulnerable is the best part of college. Everyone is in the same boat. Also, reach out to upperclassmen! Most of them are so willing to help! Finally…follow quiet hours (laughs).

Naja is currently a senior pursuing her English degree with a concentration in writing. You'll most likely find Naja in the Marist College library, with a large coffee, scribbling madly in her worn out journal. When she's not writing, Naja is actively scouring every bit of pop culture gossip she can find and exploring various genres of music. She is also an avid traveler (when given the chance). Naja has a deep belief in positive exploration, self-reflection, and the freedom to explore all that life has to offer!