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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

My best friend Antonia Gabriele has joined Fashion Show Production this year as the Public Relations Coordinator and I sat down with her to find out a little bit more about her, which actually doesn’t even make sense because I already know everything about her, and yet…

HC: What is your major?

AG: Fashion Merchandising with a concentration in promotion and minor in photography

HC: What is your favorite color?

AG: Black

HC: What is your favorite cuisine and dish?

AG: Italian and it has to be a nice wood-fired pizza (gluten free crust of course)

HC: What is your favorite class this semester?

AG: Fashion Show Production

HC: So what exactly do you do in this class?

AG: I’m on the comm team and I am one of the PR coordinators. We basically do everything with PR and marketing; we came up with guerilla marketing ideas, we came up with a VIP list and are currently working on the press kit.

HC: Where do you see yourself in five years?

AG: Living either in the city or possibly California and hopefully working with either a PR agency or a fashion brand/ design house. Also I want a dog – a golden retriever named Mango. Overall I just hope to be doing something that I love and that makes me happy.

HC: Favorite Netflix show right now?

AG: “The Office.” It’s hysterical.

HC: What was the last meal you had?

AG: An Italian meal – it was chicken parm with a side salad.

HC: Favorite designer and why?

AG: Alexander wang just because his clothes are clothes that I totally see myself wearing and he has a really edgy style and that’s just so me.

HC: What is your go-to makeup product?
AG:My go-to is my eyebrow pencil because I feel like if I don’t have to put makeup on, just adding a little bit to my eyebrows makes me look as lively and put together as I can be.