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Campus Celeb: Joey Marini

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

While walking around campus you will often get a cheerful and smiley greeting from this week’s Campus Celeb, Joey Marini.

Joey is in his third year of being an RA. He basically knows everyone on campus because he was a freshmen RA the past two years and now he’s finally made it to the big boy side of campus. Everyone can agree that there is nothing that can make you smile more than seeing this chirpy senior walking around campus. Let’s see what he had to tell Her Campus Marist this week!

HC: Why did you become an RA?

JM: Well there are a lot of reasons. If I am being completely honest I would say it was about the money initially because Marist is really expensive.  However, when I finally got the job, took on all of it’s responsibilities, and started working with the students, I realized it was a lot more than just the financial aspect. Even if I wasn’t compensated for it, I would definitely do it. It has definitely shaped the kind of person that I am and interacting with students—whether it’s upperclassmen now or freshmen for two years—it’s definitely awesome seeing the change and development in students during their time here. Like, the freshmen I had two years ago are now juniors! So it’s awesome that I can see them on this side of campus and residents from last year still come to me for help.

HC: That’s awesome, sounds like you are so happy being an RA! Can you share your best RA story?

JM: The best moment as an RA was a presentation I did with some friends at RA Training. It was called “Lean On Me.” It was for the new RA’s to learn that we are a big family and that we are always there for them to “lean on.” It was really cool because at the end, all the returning RA’s shared their experiences about times they may have been struggling and there was an RA at Marist that was there for them. Our program really showed that even when we are in our darkest time you have so many other people – you aren’t alone.

HC: That sounds like it was an awesome presentation, it’s great that there is so much support for such a tough job. So, not to put you on the spot but are you single?

JM: I am not single.

HC: Ooooo. So, how did you meet your girlfriend?!

JM: Well, it’s going to be five years in March. We started dating in high school; she goes to Holy Cross in Fairfield now. Even though we went to different high schools we met because my cousin was friends with her. One night a bunch of people went to a diner and I was like, “Oh wow this girl is really interesting!” Then we started talking more and more… then there were times when we would go like 4 or 5 months without talking to each other and then one of us would text the other out of the blue and it would spur for 3 months…and then stop again. This went on for two years and I was sitting there saying to myself “I really like this girl!” All of her friends knew, but she didn’t… even though I was really obvious. So, finally we tied the knot and here we are four years later!

HC: How cute! Since it seems like you think about long term, what does your post-grad dream life look like?

JM: That’s easy! I love talking about the future, I don’t look back, I don’t live now, I always look five or ten years into the future, always. Every decision I make is based on later on in life. It’s not great now but it will be worth it soon. I would say after I graduate I want to get my masters in Finance. I am an Accounting major now but I am not really sure if I want to do that forever, so the master’s degree will be a supplement and I’ll have experience in both. I don’t know if I want a higher degree than a master’s because school is pretty tough. I can see myself living in Connecticut actually because I just like it there. Even though all my family lives in New York, I don’t want to live here. Connecticut is close enough but somewhere new.

HC: Sounds like a plan! What’s at the top of your senior bucket list?

JM: Getting my ass – oops shouldn’t say that – probably jumping into the river. That’s definitely something I want to do.

HC: Good luck with that! So obviously you are a leader on campus, how did you get involved with Student Government and NRHH?

JM: To be honest, there were always people asking me to do more things. For instance, my friend is the president of Student Life Association (SLA) and said, “I’m looking for a treasurer for SLA.” So I said “Sure, if you need me I’m there” and that started a trend! Once I got involved with SLA I realized I really liked being involved. I like being on an executive board and having responsibilities. That spurred my movement towards other clubs like National Residence Hall Honorary, Student Government Association, and St. Jude’s Up Til’ Dawn. It’s kind of overwhelming at times, it’s pretty hectic, but to me it’s worth it because I am trying to leave my mark on Marist and make this a better place for students in the future.

HC: So, super random… but can I ask about your new trademark on Instagram…the Sky Guy thing?

JM: Yes, please! Actually, a friend of mine commented on one of my photos saying Sky Guy and I thought, “Wow! That’s really clever!” So that started the hashtag, I added the TM next to it so yeah, I’m sure you and a lot of other people on campus know that I love the sky pic. I have a big passion for it. I try to post everyday…like today I won’t because the sky isn’t so great but I try my best.

HC: If you were a box of cereal which would you be?

JM: I would be Lucky Charms because I have been told that I look like the guy on the box. They are also awesome! I love the cereal; the marshmallows make it of course!

HC: Last question, what is your favorite Marist memory?

JM: Honestly, I would have to say becoming an RA. When I was a freshman, I didn’t really branch out as much as I should have to gain a friend group or a set group of a lot of friends. I had a few close friends, but after I became an RA, the people I met in that position became my best friends. We do everything together now! I don’t know where I would be without those people. I don’t even know if I would still be at Marist. This position groomed me into the person I want to be. I look forward to waking up in the morning and helping people and brightening their day.

Ever since Nicole Boschetti could hold a pencil she has always wanted to write! So, writing for Her Campus Marist College is the one of the best opportunities she has ever had and is very thankful for Nicole Knoebel and Marissa Russo for bringing it to campus. Boschetti is in her junior year at Marist College, obtaining a dual certification Psychology and Regular/Special Education. On campus, she is on the board for the class of 2015's Student Government, a tour guide, and in NRHH. Boschetti's love for Marist runs deep, almost as deep as her love for Hawaii--where she studied abroad in 2013. Usually, you can find her waving to everyone she walks past on campus with a big smile on her face, make sure to say hello!