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7 Tips You Need to Survive Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

Finals are right around the corner and out of your long laundry list of papers and exams, the only thing you’ve managed to accomplish is to watch the entire first season of “Orange is the New Black” on Netflix. Yikes. Here are some study tips that might help you find that motivation you need to survive finals week!

1. Follow the breadcrumbs

Well, not literally breadcrumbs. If you place one M&M after each paragraph in your textbook, it might just help you finish all that reading you left to the last minute!

2. Use the rainbow

It may surprise you, but when making notecards in different categories by coloring the tops to separate the categories, the coloring process is actually pretty relaxing after all your hard work!

3. Add some exercise

Need to read through a million chapters of the text book before the exam? Head to the gym and hop on a treadmill! Studies show that the process of just walking and being active help to remember things. 

4. Say goodbye to social media

I know the very thought of turning off your phone is painful, but during crunch time the last thing you need is help procrastinating (you are already getting an A in that subject).

5. Friends can help

While friends are very good at distracting you, they are also great when it comes to temporarily changing your password to Facebook and Twitter. Without access to those distractions, it just might save you come time for your exam (caution: choose someone you trust to not hack and change your whole profile!).

6. Take the time to pamper

When sitting down to write a research paper, paint your nails right before so that the only thing you can successfully do is type! Wet nails make it hard to do much else and it might help you focus enough to get your paper done! Looking like a zombie, wearing sweats like it’s your school uniform, and forgetting to shower isn’t going to help you feel good. Just giving yourself a little “me time” during the chaos of finals week will help you feel confident and put together.

7. Get your beauty rest

When it comes time for taking exams, sleep is your frenemy. You want to stay up and stare at the same sentence for just a little longer, hoping that it will magically stick, but getting those few hours of sleep actually helps you in the morning. So rest up Sleeping Beauty so you are ready for finals week!


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Gif credit: gihpy.com



My name is Shannon and I am a Communications student at Marist College studying Public Relations and Advertising. I love theatre,singing and writing and I am so excited to be a part of the Marist Her Campus Team!