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7 Tips to Survive Long Distance Relationships in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

1.FaceTime is your best friend –

Having the technology we do now makes it almost impossible to miss hearing your significant other’s voice or seeing their smile. Take advantage of that and be sure to set aside some time to call and catch up with each other face to face (basically).


2.Plan out your visits –

Although seeing the love of your life on your computer screen is great and all…

It’s important to both schedule times to visit each other. Planning out your visits is a great way to make the long time apart feel shorter by having something to look forward to.


3. Honesty-

It is inevitable that fights are going to happen as they would in any healthy relationship. However, to keep them to a minimum, always be honest and open with your partner about anything and everything. If something is bothering you, speak up! Find time to talk about the issue and make sure you don’t leave the argument unresolved.


4. Be each other’s support system-

Encouraging one another is a great way to let your significant other know that even when you aren’t physically together, you will always have their back. It can be as simple as sending them a text on the morning of their exam wishing them luck and letting them know they’ve got this! College can be tough, but knowing you have someone to lean on when it does can be exactly what someone needs.


5. Make new friends, but keeping the old-

You will both be meeting new people and experiencing new things. Try to keep a healthy balance of paying attention to your new friends and new campus as well as keeping those connections from home strong.  


6. Reminiscing-

Reflecting with each other about the amazing memories you’ve shared together can help to keep the excitement and anticipation alive for more memories to come. It helps to get excited about the future too! Talk about things or dates you want to go on in the future to keep the romance alive.


7. Don’t be controlling-

Allow each other to go out and have fun. If you trust your significant other you’ll trust they can go out with their friends and have a good time while staying loyal. Trust is a huge part of any long distance relationship so bottom line, if you don’t trust your partner, it probably won’t work out.


Long distance is hard, but by putting in enough effort you CAN make it work!


Hi there, I'm Melinda McLaughlin! I am from Glastonbury, Connecticut but currently attending The University of Connecticut as a communications major and will be graduating in 2022. I love everything fashion, beauty, and lifestyle related and also have a passion for writing and creating! I hope you enjoy!
Sarah Dorothy Lynch is a junior at Marist College studying Journalism and Public Relations with a passion for writing, travel, and bread (all varieties). If she ever met Emma Stone, she would likely keel over.