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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.
  1. Cut out time for pure relaxation and self-care.

  2. Spend quality time with friends and family without phones or other distractions.

  3. Spend time outdoors (while it’s still warm).

  4. Attend a yoga class or two.

  5. Cook or bake a recipe off of Pinterest.

Ellie O'Hara

Marist '21

Ellie O'Hara is the Senior Editor for Her Campus Marist :) She is a sophomore majoring in Journalism with a minor in Business. She loves everything outdoors from hiking, to running, to swimming, etc. She has a passion for writing and dreams of working for a magazine company similar to National Geographic. Traveling to unique areas of the world to write and take pictures would make all of her dreams come true.
Sarah Dorothy Lynch is a junior at Marist College studying Journalism and Public Relations with a passion for writing, travel, and bread (all varieties). If she ever met Emma Stone, she would likely keel over.