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The 5 Underrated Relationships You Make at Marist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

1. The person who is always too tipsy

This person may have been on your floor in Champ or Midrise and was notorious for being loud and drunk – all the time. You never thought you’d miss sharing your living space with this person; but it makes your night when you bump into them at a bar and attack each other with tight gripped hugs.

2. The cab driver

Whether your man is Phatz, Joe, or Crazy Mike, we all have our main cab driver. The relationship you have with your cab driver is probably one of the most devoted and honest ones you’ll come across in college. These guys have to put up with you at your absolute worst and still answer your calls the next night. Everyone knows not to stand up your primary cab driver though; they’ll remember the disloyalty.

3. The ex-hook-up

At one point in your college career, you were talking/hooking up with this person who you may (or may not) have liked.  A simple “hey” while passing through campus or at the bar would at this point seem inappropriate and unpleasantly awkward.

4.  The friends from class

You struggle side by side next to each other for 75 minutes and have developed a deep bond through this joint battle. When you see each other out at a bar, you’re guaranteed to spend a solid 20 minutes laughing about your teacher and taking pictures with each other because “Omg we’re in the same class!”  

5. The people who become family

Besides the fact that you’ve already talked about it with them, these are the people that you already know will be in your wedding party. These friends know you better than you know yourself and have become a part of your immediate family over the past four years. They truly make your entire college experience and you’re grateful for your school because it brought you to them. 

Photo Credit

N. A.

Marist '13