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40 Questions in 4 Minutes with Colleen Gaughran

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

If you haven’t seen her around, it’s because Colleen, a junior from Mineola, NY is arguably the busiest girl on campus. Studying business administration with a concentration in human resources and a minor in fashion merchandising keeps her hands full as it is, but Colleen doesn’t stop there. She’s the president of Kappa Kappa Gamma, recent intramural grass volleyball champion, works for student activities, volunteers at Dress For Success, is a member of Fashion Inc., Dance Ensemble, and Campus Ministry, a student mentor for the FOCUS program, just got back from studying abroad in Florence, and is interning at Ross as an assistant buyer this summer. Somehow, with all of this, she still had time to sit down and answer 40 questions in 4 minutes with me. Here’s what she said: 

1.      What’s your favorite midnight snack?

Colleen: Ben and Jerry’s chocolate ice cream

2.      What’s at the top of your bucket list?

Colleen: I guess going in a hot air balloon would be cool. I also want to do a service project in a third world country!

3.      What’s your favorite thing about Marist?

Colleen: How friendly everybody is.

4.      Can you remember the last dream you had?

Colleen: Yes! There were like 60 groundhogs running around Marist that I was trying to pet.

5.      Can you spell Poughkeepsie backwards?

Collen: Probably. *spells Poughkeepsie backwards*

6.      Summer or winter?

Colleen: Summer.

7.      Dogs or cats?

Colleen: Dogs.

8.      If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?

Colleen: A giraffe.

9.      When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Colleen: A famous ballet dancer.

10.  Now what’s your dream job?

Colleen: To be a buyer in the city.

11.  What’s your favorite thing about Kappa?

Colleen: Having a home away from home.

12.  If you had a time machine, where would you go?

Colleen: To the twenties.

13.  Who’s your celebrity crush?

Colleen: I have so many! I’m going to name a bunch: Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lawrence, Luke Bryan, Leonardo DiCaprio, Josh Hutcherson…

14.  What’s your favorite place in the whole world?

Colleen: Ireland.

15.  Are you a morning person or a night person?

Colleen: I’m an afternoon person!

16.  If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

Colleen: Audrey Hepburn.

17.  What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Colleen: When people lie.

18.  Do you have a secret talent?

Colleen: I can say the alphabet backwards, does that count?

19.  Describe yourself in three words.

Colleen: Outgoing, laughable, and like-to-volunteer. I know that’s not a word!

20.  If you were a Ben and Jerry’s flavor, what flavor would you be?

Colleen: Mint chocolate cookie.

21.  What’s your least favorite thing to do?

Colleen: Cook.

22.  Who knows you best in this world?

Colleen: My best friend.

23.   What’s your favorite book?

Colleen: Any Nicholas Sparks book. All the Nicholas Sparks books!

24.  If you could have one super power, what would it be?

Colleen: To read people’s mind.

25.  What would you do with a million dollars?

Colleen: I would donate three quarters of it and then spend the rest on food.

26.  Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Colleen: When I’m 30? Having a fun family and a cool job.

27.  Who’s your favorite professor at Marist?

Colleen: Kevin Callaghan.

28.  What’s your best memory from abroad?

Colleen: The boat ride at the Amalfi Coast.

29.  If you were in the Olympics, what sport would it be for?

Colleen: Can it be a sport I’m not good at? Figure skating.

30.   What was your first word?

Colleen: I don’t know!

31.  You’re stranded on an island, what three things did you bring?

Colleen: Snacks, sunscreen, and magazines.

32.  What’s your biggest fear?

Colleen: Drowning.

33.   Do you lie to the dentist about flossing daily?

Colleen: No!

34.  What’s your Lola’s order?

Colleen: Chicken caprese sandwich.

35.  What’s your favorite perfume?

Colleen: Wink by Lilly Pulitzer.

36.  If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Colleen: Mac and cheese.

37.  What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?

Colleen: My life is a series of embarrassing moments!

38.  What clothing brand represents your style?

Colleen: I would say Madewell meets The Loft.

39.  What’s your guilty pleasure?

Colleen: Watching The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.

40.   What would you change about the world, if you could change one thing?

Colleen: I would make sure that everybody has a house and food to eat. 

I'm a an English major, journalism and creative writing minor, puppy enthusiast, smoothie lover, from San Antonio, Texas. I am a junior at Marist College and an avid user of the panda face emoji.