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Why Staying Home for Spring Break Isn’t That Bad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Many people use spring break as a time for vacation or other trips, but sometimes the best break you can have is going home and relaxing. After all, it is called a ‘break’, so going home isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Some people might dread going home because it’s boring but it doesn’t have to be that bad.

1. You get to relax in your own bed!

Nothing beats sleeping in until noon wrapped in your favorite blankets.

2. You get to see your pets.

If only they could come back with you after break is over…

3. Go visit friends and family while you’re home.

Get the old gang back together (hopefully your spring breaks line up, but you can make it work)!

4. Why not rearrange your room or do some spring cleaning?

Go through your clothes that you have at home and see what can be sold to a consignment shop, donated or given to a younger sibling/cousin! This lets you have more room in your closet or dresser so you can go get some new spring outfits!

5. Go shopping!

With that being said, use this time to restock on stuff you need in your dorm or get excited for spring by buying clothes for the warm weather.

6. Act like a tourist in your own town!

Maybe there’s a cool spot you haven’t been before that is just a drive away. Why not check it out? It’ll make for a good story once break is over!

7. Eat at some of your favorite restaurants.

Tina Fey said it right. The food at home isn’t anything like what you’re getting in the dining hall, so enjoy it while you’re able to have it.

8. You can drive wherever/whenever and use your break to get some errands done.

Chances are you might not have your car on campus with you. Appreciate your freedom and sing along to your radio as loud as you want!

8. Read/write/watch a movie and not worry about school whatsoever. 

Appreciate the break before it’s over and just relax. 

Class of 2019. Communication Major. Film Studies/Digital Media Art Minor. Maryland girl exploring NYC and writing all about it! Follow me on Instagram: @taylorbrethauer and Twitter: @itstaybytheway Stalk my photography blog here: throughtaylorsviewfinder.tumblr.com