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Why Everyone is Talking About “Euphoria” Season 2

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

By Samantha Keating

Glittery makeup, bright lights and a never ending supply of pictures of Zendaya. Euphoria season 2 is officially upon us, and I for one couldn’t be happier. For those who have been living under a rock and do not know, Euphoria is a television show about a group of high school students that barely go to class, do a lot of drugs and have very messy relationships. This description may sound appealing to those who have never seen the show, yet it is the most popular show on air at the moment. So why do we love Euphoria so much? 

Maybe it’s because of the extremity of the show. It’s (hopefully) not a relatable concept to many, but still, people ache to resonate with the characters and see themselves within them. People relate to Cassie as she makes reckless decisions over men and cries for Rue as she derails her life. While some viewers may relate, I think the majority feel for the characters and are desperately hoping for their growth. None of the characters in the show aren’t bad people, they just have heavy and deep rooted trauma which makes them struggle to maintain healthy relationships and patterns. We get to witness their whole life story and we begin to view them as friends, and nobody wants their friend to suffer.

Still, it is not ideal to look towards many (or any) of the characters as role models. It is incredibly intriguing to see where the characters’ crazy plot lines will next lead to as well as attempt to predict where the show is going. It is a great escape from a sometimes mundane life to watch the characters indulge in risky behavior and make reckless decisions. It’s also pretty interesting to imagine a life in high school where no one goes to class, owns a backpack or does anything more than hang out in bathrooms with friends and do drugs.  While Euphoria is extreme, myself, along with millions of other viewers can’t help but love and adore the wild storylines, incredible fashion and outrageous makeup. Tune into HBO Max or HBO on Sundays at 9:00 p.m. to see where the characters go next.

Samantha Keating

Manhattan '24

Junior at Manhattan College studying English & 5-year elementary and special education!