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What I Wish I Knew at the Start of Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

It seems like a good time to reflect on this year, right? We’re nearing the end of the semester and somehow my first year of college has passed by. I heard it a billion times before, that college flies by, and now I can say that yes, it really does. There have been a lot of articles recently about looking back at the year that has come and gone, so I figured I would hop onto the bandwagon. 

Dear August 2015-Self,

You’re probably procrastinating on packing right now, but allow me to help you procrastinate even further. You’ll want to read this because it’s way more important than choosing which movies to bring with you (spoiler alert: you will only watch three of them, so it’s not even that big of a deal, I promise). You’re worrying about the people you will or will not meet and the brand new atmosphere and believe me, those worries are all completely valid. Here are some things I want to tell you to calm your nerves a little bit that you’ll need to know going into this year.

Moving in will be overwhelming, but you can handle it.

Before you ask, yes you overpacked. You literally needed half of the clothes and stuff you packed but I guess it’s all part of the college experience. You’ll rearrange your room three times and eventually all your stuff will have it’s own organized spot. Packing back up I’m sure will be a treat! Just remember bins are your best friend.

You’re going to meet cool people and some not-so-cool people.

The cool people you’ll be happy to have around. The not-so-cool people won’t be too troublesome except they will stress you out a little bit. Don’t sweat it because you’re going to meet some of the most amazing people. Which brings me to my next point…


Your friends are the greatest!

You’re going to have the best people surrounding you and so many new friends you aren’t going to be sure what to do. They make you laugh no matter what and they’re great people to be around. Walking to class is a lot of fun because you aren’t going to be able to walk without saying hi to everyone you’ve met so far. 

Join every club, sign up for every thing, participate and go into the city as much as you can.

Don’t hold back at the club fair. Sign up for anything and everything because you will be able to do so many cool things. Go on trips into the city and sign up for things you wouldn’t normally do! Experience everything!

Call home/text home/go home without shame.

Seriously, any contact home shouldn’t be frowned upon. It’s also therapeutic in a way to just talk to a friend, sibling or parent about your day. Plus, going home to see your dog will be the best decision.

Enjoy the days here.

You’ve finished your first year! There have been highs and lows, days where you question why you’re taking the classes you are, times where staying in bed seems like a better decision than spending hours in the library or going through an existential crisis as you eat chicken tenders in the dining hall for the third time that week, but you can officially cross off year one. Soon enough, you’ll be back for next year. Cherish the time you have ahead of you and enjoy it for all that it’s worth.

Have a great year at college!


Slightly-surviving-end-of-the-semester Self 

Class of 2019. Communication Major. Film Studies/Digital Media Art Minor. Maryland girl exploring NYC and writing all about it! Follow me on Instagram: @taylorbrethauer and Twitter: @itstaybytheway Stalk my photography blog here: throughtaylorsviewfinder.tumblr.com