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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

With the month of October just behind us, we have come to the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast Cancer impacts many people throughout their lifetime, whether it is yourself fighting or a loved one. In recent years, incidence rates have increased by 0.5% per year. For the year 2021, it is estimated that around 281,550 cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed within women and about 43,600 women will die of breast cancer. 

When I was in eighth grade, my aunt who I also looked up to highly, died of Ovarian Cancer. Each year my family recognizes her on the day of her passing. As I have grown older, I started to understand the importance of pap smears and mammograms.

As Breast Cancer awareness month comes to an end, it is important to recognize the value of lymph drainage and massaging of breast tissue, in order to increase blood flow and reduce risk of any growths or lumps. It is also important to not smoke, have a good lifestyle and diet modification, and take vitamins and micronutrients supplementation regularly.

While such routines can help you on a day to day basis, it is still not certain what is the best prevention. I would encourage all female readers to look into some guides to follow and to start managing some routines in honor of this month.