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Tumblr: A Community Of Creators

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Tumblr was created in 2007 by a man who wanted to make a platform for tumbleblogs. A tumbleblog, for those of you who aren’t familiar with the term, is a short-form blog, where there is mixed media posts. The website contains nearly every form of media; there are written posts, links to both scholarly and non-scholarly articles, pictures, videos, MP3 files, and much much more.

It may seem like just another form of social media to people who aren’t involved, but it truly is a community of creators. There are artists of all sorts who share their works through this community. The action known as “reblogging” is a way for a member to share content that he/she wants his/her followers to see. People share their points of view and their findings, and are able to comment and react to other posts.

Now, you may be wondering: “How do I get my tumblr to look good?” Well, wonder no further! Here are a few tips to keep your aesthetic in check. Don’t forget, though, that the most important part of tumblr is to express who you, so these tips are merely guidelines.

  1. Find a theme that suits you and your posting style. Finding a theme is like finding the perfect dress. You just know.
  2. Post a song that you love (or reblog one that you see on your feed.)
  3. Get a picture up there of some food that you love and wish you could be eating (but can’t because you’re a college student on a budget #RIP.)
  4. Throw in the occasional vintage picture to give your blog a little old-time flare.
  5.  Always. Reblog. Puppies.
  6. Post a few pictures of the city with its multifaceted attributes. Whether it’s a picture of the city at night, a street style outfit, or a cute café, a city post is a MUST.
  7. Get an inspirational quotation that you love or reblog a cute saying that you see. Whether this is a longer text post or a picture of a saying, it’s always nice to have a few words to break up the collection of pictures on your blog.
  8. Add a photo or two of an outfit or an ensemble of clothing that suits you (or again, that you wish you had but can’t because you’re on a budget.)
  9. Even though you don’t want to think about studying (because you’re most likely using tumblr as a distraction mechanism, as we all do), it’s always nice to see a really aesthetically pleasing desk arrangement or notebook organization.
  10. Throw in something that’s relevant to the season. This month, there are a ton of posts floating around of leaves turning red and pumpkins (and pumpkin spice lattés, of course.)
  11. Post a picture of your coffee because we all know it truly is a college girl’s fuel to success.
  12. Don’t forget about Mother Nature! Add a picture of the beach or flowers to the mix.
  13. Have fun with it! This is your space. Make it what you want!

Here are a few screenshots of my blog that follow these tips and tricks.

Now get tumbling!