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The Stages of Finals Week: Dog Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

It’s here… the week we have all been dreading since the beginning of the semester, finals week! A week full of coffee runs, late night snacks, procrastinating, cramming, last minute studying and the dreaded all nighters! But what would happen if dogs had to survive a week long of sleepless nights and countless hours in the library? What better way to procrastine studying than to find out! Here are the ten stages of finals as told by dogs:

1. When you realize that finals week is finally here…

2. But you get yourself out of bed and into the library, motivated and ready to study!

3. Then the shock hits you that you didn’t actually learn anything this semester. Maybe you shouldn’t have skipped that last lecture! 

4. And after hours in the library the sleep deprivation starts to hit you.

5. Then the uncontrollable yawning kicks in…

6. You become so tired and delirious that you feel like you’ve read the same sentence over and over again.

7. Then after a cup of coffee(or seven), you are energized and ready to study again!

8. After a long, sleepless night in the library you walk into the test thinking you’re going to ace it…until you read the first question.

9. But you finally made it! The test is over and you survived an all-nighter!

10. But now it’s time for bed! 

Good luck, Jaspers!

Aspiring mermaid, professional food tester and napper, but for now I'll stick to writing. Manhattan College Campus Correspondent!