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Puppies on the Mini-Quad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.


This past Friday, Manhattan College hosted “Puppies on the Mini-Quad” which benefitted the American Cancer Society. For just $5, students could sit with their friends and play with puppies for seven minutes. The puppies were provided by puppyparty.com , and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., the mini-quad was packed with excited students looking forward to snuggle with the adorable dogs. This was a perfect stress reliever as it’s been proven that pet therapy is an actual, working thing

Manhattan College offers activities that, okay, maybe other colleges offer as well. But the way they do their activities is unlike any other, in my opinion. Who would have thought to bring happiness to stressed out college kids and support a worthy cause would be such a fantastic idea? Not a day goes by where there isn’t a single activity planned. Maybe the activity doesn’t interest you particularly, but odds are out of the other 100 activities planned for the week, you’ll be able to find one. Get out there, meet new people, join a club you wouldn’t have before–just participate. You’ll have so much fun and won’t regret it, I promise. For a few minutes or a few hours, you can forget about that quiz you’re sure you just failed or that paper you’re procrastinating on (but definitely get on that soon) and experience new things and make some fun memories that you can share with your friends when you go home to visit. 

Or, you know, getting to cuddle some adorable puppies in the nice fall breeze works, too. That’s the most fun anyone could have. Just look at that face! 

Class of 2019. Communication Major. Film Studies/Digital Media Art Minor. Maryland girl exploring NYC and writing all about it! Follow me on Instagram: @taylorbrethauer and Twitter: @itstaybytheway Stalk my photography blog here: throughtaylorsviewfinder.tumblr.com