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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

By Alicia Bartolotta 

With the holiday season right around the corner I wanted to share my Christmas list so far. I hope this gives everyone some ideas of what to ask for.

  1. Rain boots: I’ve never owned a pair of these but if you saw how my sneakers looked after all these rainstorms, you’d agree I need these.
  2. Glametic press on nails: I love these fake nails! They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and designs that I’m obsessed with. They also last for a while if you put them on correctly.
  3. A new laptop: I couldn’t tell you the last time I did an assignment on paper. My 2017 MacBook is my lifeline here at school however, I think it’s time for an update 
  4. Gold jewelry: If you’re anything like me you lose earrings left and right, but don’t have the money to buy replacements. This is why I’m always asking for jewelry. Christmas seems like the perfect time to revamp my collection and hopefully, I won’t lose them before next year.
  5. Perfume: This is essential for me. Honestly, putting on perfume makes me feel more put together. One of my favorites, and what I’m asking for this year, is the Ariana Grande Cloud perfume.
  6. Face wash/ Moisturizer: With the extreme cold that comes with the season, I feel a good face wash and moisturizer is necessary this time of year. Some brands I’ve heard are good are CeraVe and Glossier.

I hope my list helped you make your own or gave you ideas for what to buy your friends or family. Happy holidays everyone!

Hello, my name is Alicia and I am a sophomore at Manhattan College. My interests include writing(obviously), coffee, and reality television. Hope you like my work!