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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Meet our student body president! 

Name: Nich Weyland

Age: 21

HometownTulsa, Oklahoma

Major/yearFinance and Economics Double Major with an Italian Minor/ Junior


HC: Why did you choose Manhattan College?

NichI chose Manhattan College for a lot of reasons but a few would be because of the Lasallian Community, their reputation for Academic Success, and being located in NYC.

HC: What activities are you involved in on campus?

NichBesides Student Government, I am a member of Lasallian Collegians, Lasallian Leaders, Intramurals, Kairos.

HC: Any volunteer work? Tell me about it!

NichI coach Rugby in the city to the inner-city students for an after school program.  We are youth Development Mentors, not coaches, so it is about mentoring the kids with their life with the game of Rugby.  I have been involved with a lot of volunteer work at Manhattan including Gods Love we Deliver, Toy Drive, Safe Halloween, VITA Tax.

HC: Did you do anything with Rugby this summer? Anything else?

NichOver the summer I finished mentoring the Rugby students for the annual Rugby Cup out on Randall’s Island.  I then went to work at Kearny Bank in New Jersey.  While working at the Bank we moved houses.  I then went on the 4th annual Leadership and Global Understanding Conference in Rome, Italy.  I went on a few vacations to Nashville and Boston.

HC: Holy cow, that’s super impressive! Well, as student body president, what do you plan to change/improve about MC, if anything?

NichI do not plan on changing much but definitely improving a lot.  A change would be to the fundraising rule that we have in which students have many concerns about.  I plan on improving the communication system we have with Students, Faculty, and Administration with trying to implement a Moodle.  I want to continue to improve the Lasallian Mission while getting many people involved and representing the student with all their questions and concerns.  Lastly, I plan on increasing Student Governments representation at difference clubs, activities, and events. 


HC: Wow, fantastic answer. You seem to know the strings around this place, any advice for incoming freshman?

NichMy advice to Freshman would be to get involved with something.  It can be one thing or many things, but Manhattan College offers something for everyone.  It is a great way to get involved, meet friends and professors, and to have different experiences because there are many diverse events that happen on campus.

HC: Who is your idol?

NichMy idol is my Dad.

HC: When you’re not running student government, what do you like to do?

Nich: Whenever I am not doing stuff with Student Government; I work a lot with Rugby. I stay active in the gym and intramurals.  I hang out with my friends.  I like to visit the different activities that Student Activities has, so I go to those a lot.  I spend a lot of time keeping up with my Italians by talking to friends in Italy, watching movies, and reading the news in Italian.  Lastly, I like helping others who are trying to make our campus the best it can be.

HC: What do you want to do after graduation? 

Nich: After graduation I would like to become a Financial Advisor while staying active in the Rugby community.


Vanessa Sanchez is a Sophomore at Manhattan College, majoring in I/O Psychology, with a minor in Management. Devoted to helping and making others smile, she dreams of one day moving to the Upper East Side and working in the fashion industry. Aside from her passion for fashion, she is a Gossip Girl fanatic, avid food lover, Barça fan, and travel enthusiast. Follow her on Instagram: @vansanch