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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Name: Maxwell Pietrzak

Age: 18

Hometown: Newburgh, NY

Major/year: Management and Business Analytics – Junior

Fun fact: I can play two instruments, the drums and the piano.


Her Campus: Why did you decide to come to Manhattan College? Do you regret your decision?

Maxwell: I came to Manhattan College because it had the small-school feel in the big-city location. It offered a great combination of academics, extra-curriculars, and alumni connections. I don’t regret the decision at all–I couldn’t be happier with my choice.

Her Campus: What extracurricular activities are you involved in on campus?

Maxwell: I’m a founding member and the current president of the Management Club and I’m also the School of Business representative to the Student Government. I’m a member of the Marketing Club and a participant in the Honors Enrichment Program and the Mentoring program.

Her Campus: What are some of the duties you have as President of Management Club? 

Maxwell: My main job is to develop the club strategy and to contact industry professionals to come and speak to club members. I also help to coordinate workshops and any site visit events we have planned.

Her Campus: Wow, that seems like a lot of work!

Maxwell: It is a lot of work, not necessarily because it’s difficult, but because you have to be in constant contact with a lot of people all the time.

Her Campus: Any plans you have for the club this year?

Maxwell: We are excited to be hosting a graduate school information session and our first ever internship panel in which students from various business majors will come together to talk about their summer internship experiences. We also have some great guest speakers planned. We’re hoping to organize a site visit for the Spring.

Her Campus: Any advice for freshman looking to get involved in extra curricular activities?

Maxwell: The club and activities fair is a must. It’s a great way to meet the current club leaders and talk about their mission and objectives. Go to all of the initial meetings for clubs you think you might be interested in, but then pick two or three that are the most important to you. I suggest one that aligns to your major in order to help you develop professionally, one in which you can demonstrate leadership, and one that is just something you enjoy or think is fun.

Her Campus: What did you do this summer? 

Maxwell: I had a great internship with Aetna in their Human Resources department.

Her Campus: Tell me about your experience!

Maxwell: I worked out of the corporate headquarters in Hartford, CT and my efforts were primarily focused on talent management and development. I had a lot of fun; the internship helped me to confirm my interest in HR and allowed me to zero-in on the passion I have for helping others grow and succeed.

Her Campus: Who do you look up to/inspires you most and why?

Maxwell: I’m inspired by my parents, Lisa and Frank. They are extremely supportive of everything I do and have always encouraged me to aim high. I think that their attitudes have definitely influenced me in terms of what I want to do in my career. I hope to some day be that support person for hundreds of people in a company, someone they can rely on to help them achieve their goals.

Her Campus: Quote to live by?

Maxwell: “A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason” – J.P. Morgan. I try to make sure, in whatever I do, that the real reason is also a good reason.

Her Campus: When you’re not doing all these things on campus, what do you enjoy doing? Any fun hobbies?

Maxwell: I love to spend time at the beach when the sun is out. I also (try) to remain active by running and hiking. I’m an avid reader. I love murder-mysteries and thrillers, but I also can get into a good political or historical-fiction novel. I’m also a volunteer at St. Gabriel’s Church on 235th Street. I teach religious education to 8th graders and I find it to be extremely rewarding. As cliché as it sounds, I think I learn more from them than they do from me.

Her Campus: What do you see yourself doing in 5-10 years?

Maxwell: Hopefully by then I’ll have graduated with my MBA and be working my way up to Chief Human Resources Officer for a large corporation. But who knows, anything is possible. I try to be open-minded and take on any challenge life throws at me.

Keep up the great work, Max! 

Vanessa Sanchez is a Sophomore at Manhattan College, majoring in I/O Psychology, with a minor in Management. Devoted to helping and making others smile, she dreams of one day moving to the Upper East Side and working in the fashion industry. Aside from her passion for fashion, she is a Gossip Girl fanatic, avid food lover, Barça fan, and travel enthusiast. Follow her on Instagram: @vansanch