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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.


Name: Daniel John Grennon

Year: Senior (Congrats!)

Major: Psychotherapy

Hometown: Albany, NY

Relationship Status: Single 


HC: Hey, Dan, can I call you Dan the Man? No? Okay. So, why did you choose MC?

Daniel: I came from a small catholic military school.  Manhattan seemed like a good fit because of its small, tight-nit community. Plus, I love the city. 

HC: Favorite moment at MC? 

Daniel: All in all, it’s been a blast.  My freshman and sophomore years were a complete shit-show. Junior and senior year I’ve really taken the time to further myself and my career goals. 

HC: Favorite class taken at MC? 

Daniel: My favorite class has got to be Psychotherapy with Professor Rivera.  That class for me was the breaking point at which I realized I really wanted to be in this field and pursue my P.H.D.

HC: Wow, nice muscles ya got there… Lets talk gym!

Daniel: Haha, well I started off lifting when I was fifteen to gain weight after being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.  Ever since then it has become a mixture of a passion and an addiction.

HC: So, word on the street is you’re soon to become a famous movie star… 

Daniel: Haha, not exactly.  My roommate and good friend, Lake, is doing a small film project on me.  It basically encompasses how I deal with my disease, while still driving myself to workout and progress myself as much as possible.

HC: If you could have only one person at your graduation, who would it be and why?

Daniel: Definitely my mom.  The amount she is there for me, along with being my best friend, is something I cherish.  

HC: Favorite movie? 

Daniel: Gladiator. “Are you not entertained?!” 

HC: What would you say is your biggest pet peeve? 

Daniel: I’m an extremely straight forward person, so I feel like when people don’t respond the same, it bothers me.  

HC: Dream job?

Daniel: I was pretty obsessed with the show Criminal Minds for awhile.  I want to be a Criminal Analyst, not a serial killer.

HC: What do you look for in a girl? 

Daniel: I feel like I am a very apathetic person.  If you hold my attention I’ll definitely try and build on it. Personality is definitely a must. You can be the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met, if I get bored talking to you or we have nothing in common it just isn’t going to work. 

HC: Ideal date?

Daniel: I’m really into trying new foods, especially different Sushi places. There are some amazing places in New York City, if you know where to go.  I feel like dinner dates are something scarcely done anymore, and can easily tell whether you relate and can converse well with one another.

HC: After graduation plans?

Daniel: I was recently accepted in Presbyterian Hospital’s pre-career program.  I’ll be working hands on with acute schizophrenics.  It’s exciting and scary, but it’s exactly what I need to take me further in the field.

Congrats, Dan! Best of luck out in the real world.


Vanessa Sanchez is a Sophomore at Manhattan College, majoring in I/O Psychology, with a minor in Management. Devoted to helping and making others smile, she dreams of one day moving to the Upper East Side and working in the fashion industry. Aside from her passion for fashion, she is a Gossip Girl fanatic, avid food lover, Barça fan, and travel enthusiast. Follow her on Instagram: @vansanch