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Life at MC: Disney Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

What it felt like being a freshman at the bar when it got raided by cops:


How you feel after walking up and down the 496,325 stairs on campus:

“Let’s build a college on top of a huge hill,” said the idiot. 


When you win an open bar at Fenwick’s you’re like:


When people ask you what you’re doing after graduation:

No idea. 


When you get a sandwich from JDel after a night of drunken shenanigans and all of a sudden your world is absolutely perfect:


When Locke’s runs out of plates, bowls, cups and utensils simultaneously and you’re like:

Get your ish together, Locke’s.


When you get white girl wasted at Riv City and check your credit card statement the next day:


“I bought how many shots???”


When someone FINALLY takes their laundry out of the washer/dryer after it’s been in there for over an hour you’re like:

There’s this magical device they just invented called a TIMER. C’mon people. 


When you walk past the cascading piles of garbabge sitting outside OV on garbage day you’re like:



After eating a Fat B*tch:

“Pretty sure I just gained 10 pounds…”


When you and your friends plan a China Wine-Cannons night you’re like:

But really, China Wine-Cannons always wins. Every. Single. Time.


Finals week in a nutshell:


Every single person in every 8 a.m. class that has ever taken place in the history of the world is like:

Just kill me now, please.


When you’re at Locke’s and you walk past the exhibition station, 98% of the time you’re like:

“Does that chicken look a little green to you?”


When you’re walking up the OV steps you’re like:



You actually feel more like this:

Yeah, dripping sweat with a look of sheer discomfort/determination to get to the top seems a litttttttle more accurate…


When you go to the gym and there’s hardly anyone there, you throw a small to medium sized party like:


When you’re walking down Broadway in the nighttime hours and you hear someone coming up behind you you’re like:


But at the end of it all, when you’re walking to get your diploma, you know you’re gonna be like: