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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Dear college friends,

I miss you. 100%, without a doubt. 

I mean, it makes sense since I’ve been with you all nonstop since August. The fact that I’m not waking up to go to the dining hall with you makes me sad. I don’t miss doing papers or homework at all, but I do miss complaining about all of the work with you. I’ve just been spending my life with you for multiple weeks and now that we aren’t together for a few days it makes me feel weird!

As I’m driving around my hometown, I wonder what you would think of it. I start to think about bringing you back sometime just so you can see it (not that it lives up to NYC standards whatsoever). But we could probably find something to do. Or at least try. 

It’s crazy to come back and have inside jokes with people that live over hundreds of miles away. A song that we danced to while procrastinating on something comes on the radio and of course have to send a Snapchat. Or I’ll tell my relatives about all the hilarious times we’ve spent together, traveling into the city on a Sunday night just because or the crazy stuff that goes down in our hallway. 

I’m so happy to be home and get to see my friends and family and eat some homemade meals, but I can’t wait to go back to see you all. I’m beyond lucky with the people I’ve met and I can’t thank you guys enough for having my back. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Class of 2019. Communication Major. Film Studies/Digital Media Art Minor. Maryland girl exploring NYC and writing all about it! Follow me on Instagram: @taylorbrethauer and Twitter: @itstaybytheway Stalk my photography blog here: throughtaylorsviewfinder.tumblr.com