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How to drink more water when you hate drinking water?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

By Alicia Bartolotta, 

Drinking water is one of the best things for your health.  It prevents dehydration, can give you more energy and can even clear your skin. So, it makes sense that people are always telling you to drink more water. However, sometimes it’s hard to do that. Whether it be you always forget to drink it, you don’t like the taste of water or you just prefer other drinks more, sometimes you really start to hate the idea of drinking water. Luckily, I’m here to share some tips that encourage you to drink more water even if you think you hate it.

Get a Cute Water Bottle 

When you wanna start drinking more water the first thing you need is something to hold your water in. Invest in a water bottle that works for you! You can even personalize it by adding stickers. Personally, I like a smaller one so when you fill it up it’s not too heavy. I also think it is best to get one with a straw you can close so you’ll drink water faster and don’t have to worry about it spilling into your bag. Once you get this bottle carry it with you everywhere. 

Flavor Your Water

If you really dislike the taste of water you can always flavor it! There are a bunch of different options. You can use flavor packets to get fun flavors, like strawberry kiwi, or for a healthier option, you can add fruits and vegetables to your water such as lemons, cucumbers or berries.

Track Your Progress

If you really want to commit to drinking water more often, make sure you are tracking how much water you are drinking a day. There are lots of apps that have this feature such as Waterllama, Hydro Coach and Waterlogged, but you can also just keep track in your notes app or a journal. Either way, it is important to track your water intake so you can know if you’re on the right track and so you can be proud of the progress you made.

Overall, if you have the goal to drink more water that’s an amazing step in the right direction. I hope these tips help you accomplish your goal and remember to keep sipping!

Hello, my name is Alicia and I am a sophomore at Manhattan College. My interests include writing(obviously), coffee, and reality television. Hope you like my work!