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How to Stay Best Friends When Miles Apart

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

I believe that everyone can agree with me that long distance is extremely difficult when you’re very close to someone at heart. When I was applying to colleges during my senior year, I quickly realized that I was going to have a lot of trouble surviving without my best friend. She knew she wanted to stay “in state” and I knew I wanted to go “out of state,” which meant we were going to be separated by thousands of miles. It was just a huge mess. We mostly applied to the same schools, but when it came down to making the final decision, she ended up going to Cal State Monterey Bay and I went to Manhattan College in New York. I knew that no matter what, we would always be best friends because no one understood me the way she did. However, it is so hard to keep in contact when we are now living two separate life styles thousands of miles apart. The first year of school we both struggled at keeping in contact and our friendship was jeopordized. I couldn’t imagine not having her in my life, because if there is anyone who understands me it’s her. If you ever feel like you and your best friend are tearing apart, don’t worry, I’ve been there. But you’re not alone, and I have faith that you can save the friendship. So here are some tips my best friend and I used to stay close from across the country.

1. Have frequent phone calls/Facetime sessions 

Living on the East coast and having a best friend on the West coast is very difficult due to the three-hour time difference. It can get complicated because when I’m in class, she is not, and vice versa. It’s hard to catch each other at times when we are both free and just have time to talk. So usually what we do is set up appointments ahead of time. I know it might sound silly, but trust me it actually works. This helps so we catch each other at times where we could actually talk and have long conversations. The moral of the story is to make time for the ones you care about. Building strong friendships are needed in life because when I’m crying and in tears the first person who comes to mind is my best friend. Best friend therapy is the best therapy.

2. Always be there, even if you can’t be there physically, then be there emotionally.

Coming to New York was a big move for me. New people, new scenery, new everything. I had to start from scratch and meet new people because I did not know anybody. The last thing I wanted to do was explore a new city without my main girl by my side. But I came to a realization that I had to do it. She wasn’t going to leave Monterey and I wasn’t going to go back to California. So the best thing we could do for one another was just be there. It’s always important to be there. It makes me feel so much better that I’m able to give her advice whenever she needs it, and the same thing goes for me. Also, she is my biggest motivator because we both have big dreams ahead. Sometimes life can bring us rough obstacles; however, knowing that someone is there supporting me all the way and making sure I’m doing everything I need to do to get to where I want to be is how dreams come true.

Be Each other’s #GirlBoss, it may be hard when you are so far away, but you can do it! That’s how I stayed best friends with my best friend thousand miles away.

“Together forever, never apart, maybe in distance, but never at heart”

I want to thank my best friend, Candace Thurmond, for always being there for me when I was at my worst, and for continuing to be there for me when I reach my best.