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Style > Beauty

How to Keep Your Skin Glowing and Radiant

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Keeping your skin in check as a young adult can be one of the most important things you do for yourself, and you will thank yourself later on. I have perfected my skincare routine down to a science to keep my skin clear, glowing and radiant.


Hydration is so important not only for your skin but for your body. It cleanses out all the toxins while keeping your skin moisturized and glowy.


Exfoliating is really important to make sure you clean off all the dead skin cells that are still on your body. It is important to exfoliate but no more than two times a week, the last thing you need for your skin to develop micro-tears and dry out from exfoliating too much. 


I have been moisturizing since I was 14 and it has truly made a difference. Before then my skin was very dry and patchy. Finding the right moisturizer for your skin can be life-changing. I recommend moisturizing twice a day to keep a healthy glow.


Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants are key to not only being healthy but to give your skin a natural radiant glow. Eating dairy in large amounts can cause breakouts on your skin due to the extra hormones that are being ingested. It is important to eat dairy, but not all the time.


I cannot stress enough on how important sleep is. It gives your skin time to relax, refresh and regrow. Getting the recommended eight hours of sleep a night is so important for your overall health in general.

I hope these tips help you and your skin feel more glowy and radiant!


Bridget Turro

Manhattan '23

Bridget is a sophomore at Manhattan College. She is majoring in political science and minoring in woman and gender studies. She loves animals, traveling and exploring NYC.
As an avid lover of all things writing related, Christine is a born story-teller. She is a junior at Manhattan College majoring Public Relations and minoring in Marketing. When she’s not writing, you can find her exploring NYC, binge watching The Office, or enjoying a good cup of tea. She joined Her Campus after transferring to MC and absolutely fell in love with it! She is currently the Campus Correspondent of her chapter, and hopes her articles can entertain and inspire women everywhere. After college, she plans to continue writing and hopes to publish a book one day. Be sure to check out her college lifestyle blog Christineeve.com!