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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

When most people describe their spring break, it typically involves a beach destination with their friends. They get away from the cold New York weather and come back with a fresh tan. I, however, lived vicariously through these Instagram posts. This spring break, instead of traveling to Miami, Punta Cana, and all the other spring break hot spots, I spent the week at home with my parents.

You might be wondering why on Earth I would volunteer to spend a whole week with my parents instead of vacationing with my friend group in Miami. During the spring semester, you can always find me on campus. Between my coursework, cheerleading, resident assistant duties and just keeping up with my friends, it is hard to find the time to go home. After the first 7 weeks of the semester spent on campus, spending time with my family (and pets) was a must. 

Rumor has it that senior year is easy. Unfortunately, the rumors are wrong. All of the spring semester is spent planning and writing your senior project or research papers, using that one free hour each day to make progress on it. Certification exams must be studied for and passed before graduation. Parents will ask a million questions about searching for that perfect post-graduation job and finding an apartment, two things I could both spend a week searching for online. However, that week does not exist. I spend all day doing work yet still find myself writing papers and completing assignments for my remaining classes the night before they’re due.

So, instead of traveling, my spring break at home was spent relaxing, getting ahead on schoolwork and prepping for graduation. While everyone else came back on Monday exhausted, out of schedule and behind on work, I was able to spend time on bigger projects and things due the next week. While my break was not your typical, Instagram-perfect one, it was the reset I needed to continue this semester without burning out, and I highly recommend it. 

Casey Schellberg

Manhattan '23

Casey is a senior at Manhattan College majoring in Childhood Education with concentrations in math and psychology. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with friends, shopping, and exploring NYC. Casey is also a part of Manhattan’s cheerleading team and serves as an RA on campus. She is loving her home as a Jasper at MC and cannot wait to see what the upcoming years bring!