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How The HC Summer Survival Kit Got Us Through Graduating

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Just the thought of gratuating is dreadful, but there is no avoiding it. It’s approaching quickly and we can either accept it gracefully or well…not. Thankfully Her Campus sent us our HC Summer Survival kits and they are super helpful with helping us get our lives together.

What’s in the kit you ask?

1. Chipotle BOGO cards

Just in case you don’t get a job right away and you’re broke for a bit longer, grab a pal and head over to Chipotle for this special offer of buy one get one FREE! Don’t forget to present your card at the register!

2. Rich Bitch by Nicole Lapin

The simple 12 step guide to getting your financial life together… FINALLY! This book could not have come at a better time. For those seniors graduating with an entry level job, along with an entry level salary… You’ll need this book when living in that dumfoundingly expensive one bedroom apartment. 

3. Boohoo “April Showers” Ponchos 

For those getting a job in the city, walking to work will probably be a large part of your life. Here’s a poncho for those days where it’s down pouring. You’re welcome.

4. #WeAreUSA Magazines + Boohoo 30% off promo code

We’re all going to need real life (but cute) work clothes… so here’s a coupon! 

5. Crunch Live– Free onth of online workouts

Gyms are expensive… here’s a month of working out FO FREE! 

6. Blink Tattoos

So on the weekends we can pretend/feel like we’re still in college.

7. #CelebrateYourself activity cards

Although we don’t actually want to leave… we should still be celebrating making through four years of hell (and so much fun that sometimes we think we’re lucky to be alive)! 

Alyssa is a senior at Manhattan College majoring in Communications with a concentration in Journalism. She is the Campus Correspondant of Her Campus Manhattan. She is from New Jersey but is in love with New York City. She will be interning at Z100 starting January 2015. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, @littleamac!