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How To Get Through The Mid Semester Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Coming back to school after spring break is the worst transition that a student can make. We have just spent well over a week hanging out with our friends from home, some of us maybe went on vacation, and then there are a select few that spent their days binge watching Netflix. Hey, no judgments! It was a small taste of the life that is awaiting us after the semester ends and we all forgot just how much we cherish that time. That time of year will be here before you know it, but if you are starting to find yourself in a mid semester slump here are a few ways to help you through it. 

The first day back to classes remind you that you actually have a lot of work to do and half of it you completely forgot about. And guess what, that paper that was due two months from now is now due in a week. 

But don’t worry about it. You will get through the paper no problem, even if you need to do this the night before you start it to get yourself in the appropriate state of mind. 

Now that you have that out of the way, you have now made more time to do things like this. 

Sleeping your way through the second half of second semester is not responsible, but you need it for your mental state of mind. 

Take a break from all the work and talk about things that have absolutely nothing to do with school. It’s also good for your mental state of mind.

Sleeping and mindless conversations not doing it? Turn up your music and dance out your issues. Make sure the door is locked first. No one needs to see this. 

Do not call your parents and complain to them about how busy and stressed out you are. They won’t say anything that will make you feel better. 

REMINDER: It is now beautiful outside. Go out and enjoy the fresh air. It’s no Cancun, but it will do the trick. 

Friday night comes around and this is the night where it is socially acceptable to drink as much as you want. Relive spring break and break out these bad boys for the pregame. You can now justify to yourself and to your friends that these, in fact, where not a waste of money at all. 

Also, cherish this time with your friends. These are the final weekends you are all together before summer comes. 

End of the semester means the end of spring, which means the start of summer, which ultimately means new clothes. It may be a few months early, but it never hurts to just look at the summer collections. Or buy something. Lets face it, you can’t just look at the clothes. You need to buy the clothes. 

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