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How to Bullet Journal and Why You Should Do It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Bullet journaling is a trend that has recently become very popular. But what is it exactly? When I first heard of it, I had no idea what it meant. I always thought “journaling” was writing a personal narrative in a diary, yet bullet journaling is far from that. Bullet journaling is a form of journaling that allows you to keep track of nearly everything and anything you want in life! It’s a personalized, self-made planner for your daily, monthly, or yearly activities. Bullet journaling is a system that allows you to stay organized in a creative way. Some people make their journal super creative and artsy, and others keep it on the simpler side. There’s no one specific way to create a bullet journal, it’s totally up to you. But here’s how you can get started. 


1. Find the Right Notebook 

Maybe it’s just me, but there’s nothing better than getting a blank journal–– so many opportunities lie ahead in what you can fill the pages with. You’ll often see most people use a bullet journal without a spiral, yet mine is spiral bound (just incase I mess up I can easily rip the page out and start over). My journal has lines, yet some people prefer to have blank pages. Whatever you like most, go with that. 


2. Begin Your Spreads

Your spreads are the way you illustrate your life on the pages. For example, my spreads include a table of contents, and overview of the next 6 months, an overview of the month we’re in, and a look at the upcoming week. I also have spreads at the beginning of my journal that list personal goals of mine and self-care routines. Your spreads can be anything you want them to be! Preferably, they should be things you hope to keep track of. Doing so will put your mind at ease once you see it all organized on a page. For some spread ideas, click here to watch a basic guide to bullet journaling. 


3. Get Colorful

One of my most favorite parts about keeping a journal is getting to decorate and design it in some fun colors. I recommend investing in a nice pack of colorful pens to set up your spreads because then you’ll get the true bullet journal aesthetic. Not only will your pages look nice, but it’s fun and relaxing to use all those colors. 


4. Take Your Time

Bullet journaling can be a little time consuming when you first start out, but it’s important that you don’t rush through the process of setting your journal up. Take your time to get the precise layout you want, that way it’ll be easier for you to use!


So why should you bullet journal? Bullet journaling can be therapeutic and can serve to be a big stress reliever. Personally, I find that bullet journaling helps me keep things very, very organized. When you have a lot of your plate (as all of us college students do) it helps to put it all down on paper instead of it being all jumbled in your mind.


As an avid lover of all things writing related, Christine is a born story-teller. She is a junior at Manhattan College majoring Public Relations and minoring in Marketing. When she’s not writing, you can find her exploring NYC, binge watching The Office, or enjoying a good cup of tea. She joined Her Campus after transferring to MC and absolutely fell in love with it! She is currently the Campus Correspondent of her chapter, and hopes her articles can entertain and inspire women everywhere. After college, she plans to continue writing and hopes to publish a book one day. Be sure to check out her college lifestyle blog Christineeve.com!
Michaela is a Childhood Education Major with Concentrations in Math and Spanish at Manhattan College. She will be continuing her studies in the Masters program at Manhattan, and earn a Masters Degree in Special Education. She was a member of Her Campus at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA and is now the Campus Correspondent and Senior Editor at Manhattan! She is beyond excited to be a Jasper and that she found her home at MC!