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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

This week I would like to introduce to you, a sweet, Swedish track star who recently made Dean’s List (cute and smart!), and who has managed to steal the hearts of girls in Sweden and the U.S.A.



Name: Dennis Eriksson

Majors: Management and Business Analytics Majors

Hometown: Sundsvall, Sweden

Relationship Status: Single

Blog: http://dennyc.blogg.se

Instagram: “BO93DEER”


Life at Manhattan:


Her Campus: What made you want to come all the way to a tiny little school across the ocean from you?

Dennis: First of all I sucked at English in high school. Then in my junior year I said I wanted to apply for schools in the US and my English teacher basically said, “I don’t think you’re able to do that”. Proving him wrong was the first reason I wanted to come to the United States. Also I wanted to do track, and MC offered me the best deal and the best location, like I’ve told you the Swedes are in LOVE with New York.

Her Campus: What is the biggest difference from Sweden (asides from the language) that you’ve found while living here?

Dennis: Good: Even though I know that New Yorkers have a reputation for being rude, they are actually so nice! Compared to Swedes Americans are so nice. Especially on a small campus, everyone is so open minded, and this thing that everyone does, everyone holds the doors! You can be like 20 meters behind and they’re still holding the door and then you have to start to run. Bad: I really do miss the food in Sweden, like good, healthy food. It’s just different, but I miss home cooking.

Her Campus: You’re mainly here for track, when did you start running and why do you continue to run? What’s your goal?

Dennis: I started running when I was 6 years old and I am almost 22 now so that’s a lot of years. During my career I wanted to make the Swedish championships and I have 6 medals from there from youth and juniors, the next step was the national team and I competed once and now my goal is to finish and feel as though I did my best. If that means I get to be at the World Championship or Olympics, we will see, but if that also means just starting for MC then I’m happy about that too.

Her Campus: Tell us a story about the best time that you’ve had at MC or in NYC.

Dennis: My friends and I went to Electric Daisy Carnival in NJ Met life stadium it was the craziest thing ever. Also in addition to that, the Calvin Harris concert. I was like “I’m living my life right now and I’ll never happier than I am right now.

Her Campus: What is your favorite class and who is your favorite teacher?

Dennis: I really loved Angela Grotto, she was my Intro to Management Professor, now I have her again and she’s really good at explaining and giving examples from life experiences. She’s definitely someone who wants to give us as much info as she can.

Her Campus: What is your favorite meal at Lockes? If you had to pick….

Dennis: Lockes is not THAT bad for being a cafeteria. Before I came everyone said “you’re gunna gain so much weight, you’ll just eat fried things and you’ll be sick after two weeks”. The stuff I eat almost every meal is the granola, banana flakes and milk.


Fun Facts


Her Campus: As someone who already gets to travel a lot, If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? And out of the places that you’ve been, which has been your favorite?

Dennis: I have so many places I want to go to, but before I die I want to go to, Australia, Japan, and the West Coast of the US. I’ve been to a lot of places, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Italy… It’s hard. It’s really hard. I went to Thailand… but I still really like New York

Her Campus: What’s your absolute guilty pleasure? Junk food? Gossip Girl? Watching sappy movies?

Dennis: Swedish candy. I wanna eat it all the time. Oh, and bacon. In Sweden they call me the “Bacon Boy” because I eat so much bacon.  

Her Campus: If you could start your dream job tomorrow, what would it be? Why?

Dennis: I would be a manager for a global company within an industry that’s very international and I would be the one who travels to see clients and expand the brand and products.  

Her Campus: This past semester I got to be your makeup artist for E-zoo and Halloween, you’re always so much fun to paint, next time we work together what would you want to be?

Dennis: Oh, you need to add the pictures to this one. Okay I definitely want to be a really cool animal. Like if we could have a really cool costume I would want to be a dragon with the awesome scales.  

Her Campus: You always look so stylish Dennis! Do you have anyone who you look up to for inspiration?

Dennis: I follow a lot of people on Instagram “IAMGALLA” and this Swedish blogger, “ANDREASWIJK”

Her Campus: As a very eligible bachelor, are you looking for any kind of relationship in college?

Dennis: I’m not looking exactly, but if I met the right one I would.

Her Campus: Describe your dream girl, and the dream date you guys would have!

Dennis: In Sweden I would take her to my summer house which is right next to the water, just us, and have a nice dinner and lay in the… do you say hammock?

Her Campus: Yes! A hammock!

Dennis: Okay yes a hammock, and watch, the sunset then maybe a night swim. In New York we would do some activities in Central Park, skating in the winter, picnic or boats when its warm and a nice dinner then maybe go to some nice cool quiet rooftop bar. Now, my dream girl? This is a hard question, but I would say that I like girls who are confident and I love people who are goal oriented. I always liked brunettes, good smile, and healthy lifestyle. I would prefer someone a little taller, because I’m very tall!

Her Campus: What’s a fun fact about you that some the average person around campus doesn’t know?

Dennis: I LOVE the sound of a vacuum cleaner, that’s the weirdest thing about me. I can’t believe I just opened up to you about that. Also, I have a tattoo!

Her Campus: If you could give one piece of advice to a group of people what would it be

Dennis: “If you never try you will never know”, It’s my tattoo! 

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Abby Welte


Manhattan College student majoring in Communication and an Intern for the New Jersey Devils. I'm not legally allowed to play board games in at least 9 states, enjoy long walks on a short pier, trying anything with frosting on it and yelling at my TV when hockey is on.