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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Freshman Collegiates, we’ve done it. We have survived the first week of college. Now, only four more years to go! But it feels like we just went through this not too long ago. Just four years back, we were starting high school. Yet this time, we’re dealing with something a lot bigger than the drama of your local high school and the people you had known for years—college in a brand new place with strangers. There are many differences, but let’s focus on the top ten and how to embrace the new and not fear it.

1. Classes

First off, those with 8ams, you are such troopers. But, for many classes, they begin at more reasonable times like 9am or 10am. By then, you’ve gotten enough sleep (hopefully!). Long gone are early morning alarm clocks to make the bus. Now, you get up on your own accord. Classes can also pertain to anything you’re interested in! Besides the mandatory classes, colleges offer courses that accommodate anyone’s interests.


2. Workload

Your high school teachers probably stressed this enough—college work is rigorous and you will probably spend hours working on papers and projects. In high school, homework seemed tedious, but, in college, it’s very important not only for your grade but also to learn the material. Make sure you have a good planner and keep on top of your workload! Being organized and not getting overwhelmed might sound impossible, but you can do it (pro-tip: drink plenty of coffee)!

3. Dorms

Unless you went to a high school like in Zoey 101, chances are you didn’t actually live at your high school. Dorming is a great experience when it comes to meeting new people. Don’t be afraid to leave your door open and get to know the girls and guys on your floor! There are even opportunities to have meals with your building to get to know even more people. Chances are you won’t know everyone in your building by the end of the semester, but you will most likely make a few best friends that are also your neighbors too!

4. Friends

Speaking of friends, you now have an entire campus full of new people to meet! These people haven’t grown up with you, meaning that this is an opportunity to reinvent yourself and make some new awesome friends! There are so many ways to meet people from dorms, classes, extracurricular activities and sports. Plus. a majority of these people will have common interests. People say you might meet your lifelong friends in college!

5. Activities and Clubs

Join some clubs! Manhattan College has over 60 clubs and any one of them is sure to interest a brand new student. In high school, clubs looked good for college applications. You had your standard ones, like honor societies, drama clubs, sports, volunteer work, etc.. Here on our campus, we have Zumba dancing, sororities, literary magazines, multiple theater groups, etc.. The possibilities are endless!

6. Atmosphere

You were probably anxious to go to college just like you were in high school. But in college, you’re technically an adult. There’s an air of responsibility and independence now that you’re a college student. Manhattan College is definitely welcoming and willing to help all of the new freshmen feel calm and collected while starting their college careers.

7. Location

The Class of 2019 has students from nearby, New York, the east coast, the west coast and many international students. Most importantly, we’re in New York City! Make the best of it! We are a short subway ride away from locations like Times Square and Rockefeller Center and SoHo, to name a few. Hop on the one train with your new friends and go on a touristy adventure and make sure to take some awesome pictures.

8. Teachers vs. Professors

In high school, you had teachers. They were helpful and supporting or were tough and mean. In college, you have doctors and professors. Although the latter seems a bit terrifying, they are always free to help. You’ve probably heard it a bunch of times, but visit them during their office hours for help! Ask them questions or for guidance when you’re confused. Believe it or not, they want to talk to you and guide you to succeed in whatever you’re interested in. Especially on our campus, your professors are available and willing.

9. Fun

There is never a day when something isn’t going on. Maybe tickets go on sale to a Yankee game or Broadway show! Maybe that club you were thinking about joining is having an information meeting tonight! Maybe there is a movie going on in the Raymond Kelly Commons that you’ve been wanting to see! These events probably weren’t offered in high school and the Student Life office works hard to get some awesome tickets for students. Take advantage of it!

10. The Future

You enter high school knowing you’re going to work your way to graduating and going to college. We’re the Class of 2019, and in four years, it’s going to be our time. But what exactly are you working towards? Well, that’s up to you, collegiate! Go have fun and enjoy your first semester and all of the great ones after it. 

Class of 2019. Communication Major. Film Studies/Digital Media Art Minor. Maryland girl exploring NYC and writing all about it! Follow me on Instagram: @taylorbrethauer and Twitter: @itstaybytheway Stalk my photography blog here: throughtaylorsviewfinder.tumblr.com