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Cutie of the Week: Molly Flores

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Meet Campus Cutie, Molly Flores!

Name: Molly Flores.

Hometown: Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Class year: Sophomore.

Age: 20

Major: Communication

Instagram: mollz_2dawall

On Attending Manhattan College:

Her Campus: Why did you choose to attend Manhattan College?

Molly: I chose to go to Manhattan College because I wanted a small campus in an urban area. Also, I went to a Lasallian high school and I love the Christian Brother values and teachings.

Her Campus: Are you involved in anything on campus?

Molly: I play on the women’s lacrosse team and we participate in a lot of service opportunities throughout the year. 

Her Campus: What is your favorite Manhattan memory so far?

Molly: My favorite memory so far was Spring Fest last year. There were so many fun activities and it was cool to see everyone hanging out and having a blast. Also, All-American Rejects performed and I was a big fan when I was younger, so that was awesome. 

Her Campus: What’s your favorite place at Manhattan?

Molly: Definitely Gaelic Park. I spend a lot of time there and never get sick of it. It is very different from any other school because of the One Train and Gaelic football and I think that makes Manhattan College so unique.

On Playing Lax here at Manhattan:

Her Campus: How do you manage to maintain your social life while trying to balance lacrosse and your classes?

Molly: I actually love socializing with everyone and making new friends. I’ve made a lot of friends in my classes over these past two years. Also, Locke’s or Kelly Commons is an easy way for me to be able to see a lot of my friends and make new ones.

Her Campus: What is your favorite lacrosse memory thus far?

Molly: Beating Marist during the senior game last year. Marist is a very talented team and it was so awesome that we played well and beat them on our home turf.  

The Remaining ‘Flores’ Facts:

Her Campus: Name your favorite song of all time,

Molly: “Dear Mama” by 2Pac

Her Campus: Dream job?

Molly: Dream job? My dream job would be with a Public Relations firm in the city [Manhattan].

Her Campus: Okay so I have a very basic question… If you could have coffee with any person dead or alive, who would it be?

Molly: I would love to have coffee with Amy Schumer. She is a fresh face in Hollywood and I believe she stays true to herself. Also, she is very funny so I feel like I would be laughing the whole time.

Her Campus: What’s your favorite food?

Molly: Maryland blue crabs!

Her Campus: Lastly, just for fun.. any current Netflix obsession? 

Molly: Grey’s Anatomy.