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A Crash Course on Galentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

What is Galentine’s Day you ask? According to Leslie Knope, Galentine’s Day is “the best day of the year”. You can celebrate whether you’re single or in a relationship, because Galentine’s Day is a salute to the ladies in your life. February 13th is a day dedicated to all of your Galentine’s. Leslie Knope believes that Galentine’s Day is one of the most important days of the year, next to Election Day and Earth day of course. There are a million ways to celebrate it, after all, who knows what a girl really wants for a gift better than her best friends? Here are some uniquely sweet gift ideas for your Galentine’s Day. 

  1. Anything from Lush Cosmentics: Those Bath Bombs are THE bomb.
  2. A awesome book to read: Maybe read 50 Shades of Grey before going to swoon over Jamie Dornan.
  3. Something homemade: Leslie Knope made a mosaic portrait of each of her friends made from the crushed bottles of their favorite diet soda… or maybe rice crispy treats are good too…
  4. Candles: Because you’re classy and sassy.
  5. Flowers: Who doesn’t like flowers?
  6. Drinks: G-Day is on a friday this year! So treat yourself and your ladies.
  7. Chocolate: I’m always down to get chocolate wasted.

    Celebrating Galentine’s Day is an awesome way to show all the ladies in your life how special they are to you, after all, sisters before misters, am I right? So ladies, ditch your man and spend lucky Friday the 13th this year with your friends and celebrate Galentine’s Day the right way (with mimosas and brunch of course)! 

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Abby Welte


Manhattan College student majoring in Communication and an Intern for the New Jersey Devils. I'm not legally allowed to play board games in at least 9 states, enjoy long walks on a short pier, trying anything with frosting on it and yelling at my TV when hockey is on.