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College: as told by ‘Mad Men’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

The College Experience: As Told by ‘Mad Men’

Hangovers can be rough…

Especially when you wake up in your clothes from the night before.


But it’s never too early to start drinking, right?

Sometimes staying up all night to do work makes you a little crazy, to say the least!


But you can never have too much coffee!

Naps are a necessary part of your daily routine. 

There are too many stairs on campus.

When you try to dance at the bar after having a little too much to drink, this happens.

Running into your ex in the elevator can be awkward.

Moving into your dorm as an upper classman feeling like you own the place.

When the late night food cravings hit.

When finals week comes along…

When you need to talk your friends out of drunk hookups.

When your parents ask how you’ve been doing.

Then there are some days where you just want to cry.

And some days you just need to end at a bar