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Campus Cutie: Sara Buckley!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Meet Sara Buckley!

Name: Sara Buckley

Year: Junior

Major: Civil Engineering

Hometown: Stony Brook, NY

HC: Why did you choose Manhattan College?

Sara: I chose Manhattan because they had the major I wanted and I had a great recruit trip!

HC: What is your favorite memory of MC?

Sara: My favorite memory is definitely when I rented a moped in Oahu, HI and rode it around the entire island with a couple of people on my swim team during our training trip! 

HC: Are you involved in anything on campus?

Sara: I’m on the swim team, and thats about it!

HC: What is your ideal date?

Sara: An ideal date is anything involving food.

HC: What are some of your hobbies?

Sara: My hobbies (strictly) include swimming, napping and eating.

HC: What is your favorite TV show?

Sara: Hands down, my favorite show is ‘The Office.’

HC: What is yor favorite restaurant around MC?

Sara: My favorite restaurant around here is definitely Sals, or River City (due to their salads).

HC: What are your plans after graduation?

Sara: Hopefully someone will hire me, and even more hopeful, maybe they’ll pay for me to get my masters!

HC: Why did you choose engineering?

Sara: Back in the good ol’ days in high school, I liked to consider myself good at math and science. Although I started to second guess myself once my sophomore year started, I am still hanging in there, don’t worry!

HC: What was your favorite class so far at MC?

Sara: My favorite class was definitely Environmental Engineering Principles (SOLELY due to the professor and the students in the class with me)! But KJ Farley forever! 

Aspiring mermaid, professional food tester and napper, but for now I'll stick to writing. Manhattan College Campus Correspondent!