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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

To say I loved Ana Huang’s Twisted series is an understatement.  These books were the perfect young adult book, especially for college students.  All of these books were romance books, fairly predictable, but they also had a sense of danger and action.  All four books in the series followed the same group of characters, four female friends and four males.  All male characters have the ‘bad boy’ reputation and are involved in sketchy jobs.  The women also have hidden pasts that are revealed by the end of each book.  

The main concept I loved most about these books is that although this is a series, you do not have to read all of the books in order.  They are stand-alone books that connect by characters, but not by plots.  Additionally, each book reintroduces the characters and partially builds off of the previous book or books, but you don’t have to go in order to understand them.  I love this because when I was reading one book, I was able to lend out another one to my friend and she could read and enjoy the book because it was stand-alone!

I thought after the first two books I was going to be bored and the plot would just keep repeating itself since it followed the male hero and woman being saved story.  However, I was never bored reading any of the books.  They were all similar in basic plot lines, but each book has its own interesting and different storyline.  The books are between 300-550 pages and I never felt like the books were dragging along.  Ana Huang knew exactly when to stop writing each book and to end the series in total.  

Before reading these four books, it may be good for you to know the possible trigger warnings.  There are scenes of abuse, assault, murder, death, kidnapping, sexual harassment, slut shaming, and violence.  I know these topics may be sensitive for some people to read, which may make reading this book difficult or impossible for some people.

This book series is also extremely spicy.  The language used during spicy scenes is like no other book.  I would highly recommend anyone who likes to read smutty books because they will give you everything you have been asking for and more.  These books contain a possessive and morally gray alphahole (a mix between alpha and asshole).  This may not be for every person, especially if men possessing women is triggering or an extreme dislike.  But, for me and many of my friends who have read this book series, it’s super enjoyable to read. Overall, I could not put these books down.  I thought they were all fairly easy reads and each book pulled you in to keep you interested throughout the whole book.  After I read Twisted Love (the first book in the series), I couldn’t stop there and I knew I had to go buy the other three books in the series.

Emily Gianni

Manhattan '24

Hi I'm Emily! I am in my Senior Year at Manhattan College, graduating in Spring 2024. I am studying Childhood Special Education with an upward extension to middle school with a double major in English. My goal in life is to teach elementary school and later on, teach middle school. Although I don't have a position in my Her Campus chapter, I am still an active writer for Her Campus! I write about all different topics for Her Campus, anything that interests me or that I believe other girls will find useful and informational. I am a team captain on the Manhattan College cheerleading team, so I may write about that sometimes. I also love sorority rush season so I have written about my sorority a few times. I believe that Her Campus is an amazing source for women to put their work out there and influence other girls. I love being a part of this organization and being able to write about whatever I love. This is the best outlet for me to learn more about my writing style, experiment with different topics that I would not be allowed to write about in a class, and grow as a writer.