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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

There are certain people that shape your life and the person you grow into. The people that radiate an energy so beautiful that you can’t help to not only admire them but also to strive to emulate it into your life. I am fortunate enough to have a surplus of people in my life that fit the above definition. Though there are none that fit more than my parents. 

My ultimate role models and the people that teach me every day what it means to be a good person. They are the most well rounded and beautiful people and I feel incredibly lucky every day I was raised by them. They made me into the person I am today and consistently encourage me to keep bettering myself. From my Father I learned resilience and hard work. To be kind always as you never know how much someone may need it. I have never met someone who works so hard and loves just as much (if not more). From my Mom I learned what it means to be a true friend. I have never and will never have a friend like her and all the best attributes I bring to friendships come directly from her. She too taught me how to love with my whole heart. From both of them I have learned the importance and value of family. How even when everything in life seems to be going wrong at its core it is okay because there are people who unconditionally love you. 

I grew up thinking that a role model had to be a celebrity or someone who had left an astounding impact on the whole world. Now being 21 and preparing to graduate college I know a role model is someone who directly impacts your world and shapes how you want your future self to be. Having one person to guide you is wonderful but having two to look up too is a blessing.

Samantha Keating

Manhattan '24

Junior at Manhattan College studying English & 5-year elementary and special education!