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5 Stages of the Second Semester Sickness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

We’ve all been there, the dreaded time of the year when it seems as though everyone on campus is dying from the same illness. Not quite the flu, but so much worse than a cold, all you want to do is sit in bed and watch Netflix all day (more than usual). But what makes this sickness so utterly terrible is how fast it settles in and how long it lingers. So here are the five stages of the second semester sickness.

1. Being tired and denying it

You start to notice you’ve been more tired than usual, this normally lasts a day or two, and even if you are completely caught up on sleep, you just can’t seem to shake that tired feeling, but you’re definitely not getting sick. You don’t get sick. You can’t get sick.

2. The Sore Throat

Then the sore throat starts up and you know it’s got you. You thought you were going to make it out alive, but now you know it’s too late. (This is normally when I would suggest running to Rite Aid and stocking up on cough drops.)

3. The Cough

Here is when you know it’s gotten bad. There’s no escaping now, and to make it that much better, you sound like an 90 year old who has a smokers cough that can be heard throughout the entire building your class is in. 

4. The Headache

This may be the worst part because at least with the cough you could suffer through your classes, but this headache is fogging your brain and making even the smallest decision the hardest thing in the world. 

5. Defeat

You’ve given up, you’re tired, achy, and have more snot dripping from your nose than you even thought possible. You would basically sell your soul to feel better at this point, but don’t worry! Accepting your sickness is the first step to recovery! Now all you can do is wait it out and hope that you never run out of Advil and cough drops.

Senior Public Relations major at Manhattan College. Makeup enthusiast and Netflix junkie.