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5 Fashion Bloggers You Should Be Following This Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

As a new semester starts up, let us remember that lounging around in bathing suits, denim cutoffs and flip flops all summer is nice, but not always acceptable for class, work or a night out with friends. Thankfully, the internet is filled with creative fashion blogs that display a multitide of different styles to inspire us to not wear that same sweatshirt for the fourth day in a row. Here are five fierce and fashionable ladies that you should be following for style inspiration this fall! 

1. Jessica Stein (http://www.tuulavintage.com)

Part fashion blog, part travel writing, Jessica Stein’s Tuula Vintage is a wanderluster’s dream come true! Her blog features stellar photos of her traveling, which she does quite stylishly, in addition to details on where she’s exploring, who she’s meeting and what she’s wearing. As women’s solo travel becomes increasingly talked about, Jessica’s blog provides inspiration for us to seek adventure and look great doing it.

2. Nadia Aboulhosn (http://www.nadiaaboulhosn.com)

Whether she’s composing numerous tweets solely out of Drake lyrics, snapchatting her cats or showing off her enviable assets on Instagram, Nadia is truly an interactive blogger who engages her fans as she creates cutting edge content. She exemplifies edgy yet classy street style. She is just as likely to feature sneakers in a post as she is a body con dress. In addition to blogging and modeling, she’s partnered with brands such as AdditionElle and Boohoo clothing for her own collections, and is a feminist activist who works to bring awareness to tragedy and intolerance surrounding the Middle East.

3. GabiFresh (http://gabifresh.com)

As one of the most well-known plus-size style bloggers, Gabi Fresh’s blog celebrates women of all sizes with a focus on fashion for curvy women. She also curates a virtual closet where fans can shop for items she has marked as favorites. She and Nadia (along with plus-size model Tess Munster) recreated Beyoncé’s “Flawless” music video with a body positive spin to remind us that ALL bodies are flawless.

4. Robyn Hood’s Closet (http://robynhoodscloset.com)

Robyn’s style is fearless–think shell necklaces paired with flannel skirts or vintage sundresses with furry headbands. Her blog is a mix of photos and outfit information, fan interaction and lifestyle tips. She also has a section where visitors can purchase items that she has featured in her posts.

5. Hannah Rochelle of En Brogue (http://enbrogue.com)

Hannah’s blog is dedicated to fashionable women who love shoes but hate heels! Her blog focuses on piecing together unique and stylish outfits that include flats, sneakers and boots for maximum comfort. It’s a perfect site to browse for shoe inspiration for class, work and day to day errands.

Writer. Feminist. Lover of iced coffee, dogs and all things cheetah print.